Inside this issue• Biden's Budget Eliminates Amendment to Prevent Abortion Funding• State Set to Reopen on June 15• SB 380 Clears Senate and Budget Negotiations• Pope Francis Releases Video on June P
 Inside this issue

  Biden's Budget Eliminates Amendment to Prevent Abortion Funding  

For the first time in 45 years, a U.S. president has released a budget proposal that excludes the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds in Medicaid and other programs from paying for abortions. The ban is estimated to have saved the lives of more than 2 million unborn children. 

In a statement on the decision to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, the USCCB emphasized to lawmakers that "For nearly half a century, the Hyde Amendment and related provisions have protected taxpayers from funding most abortions. These policies have broad support from Democrats and Republicans. They have been enacted and signed into law by congresses and presidents of both political parties and have been broadly supported by the majority of low-income women, including women of color."

Biden supported the Hyde Amendment during his 36 years in the Senate but reversed his position while running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2019. The $6 trillion budget proposal will now be reviewed by lawmakers.  



  State Set to Reopen on June 15  

In just a couple of weeks, the state of California plans to lift most COVID-related restrictions with some exceptions that have yet to be announced. 

The bishops of California are thoughtfully assessing the safest way to bring people to Mass. Several dioceses have already announced re-opening plans. You can click here for the bishops' statement on re-opening safely. 

Check with your parish or diocese for further information. 



  SB 380 Clears Senate and Budget Negotiations  

The CCC is disappointed to report that SB 380, the bill extending physician-assisted suicide, passed out of the State Senate on Friday and is headed to the Assembly. 

It is noteworthy that several Democrats refrained from voting for the bill, and all Republicans voted "No" or abstained. Thank you for your efforts in contacting Senators about the absurdity of the bill. 

Please continue to look for alerts as the bill now makes its way through the Assembly. The fight to defeat this bill will take hard work and is far from over. 

Lawmakers are currently focused on budget negotiations with the Governor. The Legislature must finalize a budget by the June 15 deadline or will permanently forfeit any reimbursement for salary and expenses for every day until a budget bill is passed.  



  Pope Francis Releases Video on June Prayer Intention for Marriage  

In a video message, Pope Francis has asked people to pray throughout June for young people preparing for the life-long journey of the "vocation" of marriage.

"Getting married and sharing one's life is something beautiful," Pope Francis says in the spot. "Marriage is a conscious decision for the rest of one's life that requires specific preparation."

The pope asks people to pray that couples preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community may "grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness, and patience."

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June is traditionally the time for ordination to the priesthood and deaconate. Please pray for our priests and deacons both those just starting their ministry and those who have served the people of God for many years.  You can read about the Class of 2021 in this report by the Center for Applied Research in the Aposlate.



  Religious Freedom Week  

The USCCB is celebrating Religious Freedom Week from June 22 through June 29. This year's theme, "Solidarity in Freedom," invites Catholics each day to pray, reflect, and act on different facets of religious liberty, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Religious freedom is both an American value and an important part of Catholic teaching on human dignity. When we promote religious freedom, we promote the common good and thus strengthen the life of our nation and the community of nations. Click here to learn more. 



June 4, 2021
Vol. 14 No. 21

California Catholic Conference

 En Español




"Even if our prayers might ramble and be weakened by a wavering faith, we must never stop putting our trust in Jesus. Supported by Jesus' #prayer, our timid prayers rest on eagles' wings and soar up to heaven." @Pontifex






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