
We hope you all had a nice, long weekend! With Congress coming back in session next week, it’s time to start putting pressure on Congress to prioritize health and health care as part of pandemic recovery. Here are upcoming events and resources to support you in your work:

Upcoming Events & Actions

  • SAVE THE DATE! Join us on June 10th for our #UniteForHealthCare Digital Day of Action to build pressure on the Administration and Congress! It's time to ramp up the pressure on our nation's leaders to ensure health and health care are in the next recovery package. More information coming soon!
  • Join us on Wednesday, June 9th at 3pm ET to learn more about taking action on the Administration's recently proposed CY2022 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) rule. This is the first call in our Consumers First Federal Administrative Action Series focused on ensuring equity and transparency in hospital payment and delivery, starting with this rule. You can register for the call here. 
    • If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Sophia Tripoli at [email protected]
  • State and Local Community-Based Organizations Take this survey! In partnership with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Community Catalyst, we hope you will take/share this survey about consumer experiences with insurance and ways insurance regulators can take action. The survey will be used to elevate systemic inequities and inform insurance regulators’ discussions.

Featured Resources for Action

To your health,

Hannah Markus 
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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Health Action Network

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