Some happenings with RG!



Since sending our email, "Solidarity with Palestinian Resistance to Occupation and Apartheid," on May, 20th 2021, we have made it available as a blog post and added the following update:

We are relieved that a ceasefire has been agreed to in Israel/Palestine and recognize that it is insufficient in transforming the material conditions of Palestinians and challenging the systems that uphold occupation and apartheid.

We are grieving the lives lost in past weeks, and remain clear that our community, and young people with wealth, have a role to play in supporting international movements for justice and freedom. We call on our community to continue challenging the many forces and institutions that enable this systemic violence to continue and put the lives of Palestinians and Jews at risk, such as the US government’s unconditional support for the Israeli military, Christian Zionism, the conflation of Jews and the Israeli state, and therefore anti-Zionism with antisemitism and philanthropic funding for land theft and settler violence. 

Lastly, we recommend reading our friends at Grassroots International recent post “Mobilizing People and Moving Money for Palestinian Rights” that speaks to the power of redistribution as a tool for Palestine solidarity. 

Please find our full statement here.




Make a concrete commitment to resource social justice movements by signing the Redistribution Pledge here!

  • We are in the middle of our Spring Redistribution Pledge and Membership Drive, and so far 600 people in our community have pledged to move $51 million to movements in 2021!! That’s no small number, and we know we can do more.
  • Let's be in solidarity with poor and working-class-led for the long haul, beyond uprisings, elections, and moments where the mainstream media is focused on particular struggles. 
  • You don’t have to have it all worked out -- you just have to be willing to commit to a number that both challenges you and feels aligned with your values.

Commit to redistribution and collective accountability, and help us get to $60 million in pledges by the end of June 2021!



This 2-day event is an opportunity for young people (18-35) who are high net wealth to connect with one another and content that will strengthen your ability to play a meaningful role in social justice philanthropy.

More information and registration for Transforming Philanthropy can be found here. 

Check out the tenative schedule for Transforming Philanthropy below:

  • Friday, June 25th
    • 1:00-2:30: Opening Session on the History of Philanthropy
      • Iimay Ho, Executive Director, Resource Generation 
      • Chi-Ante Singletary, Chief Reparations Officer, Cypress Fund
    • 2:30-2:45: Break
    • 2:45-4:00: Small Group Facilitated Conversations
    • 4:00-4:30: Break
    • 4:30-6:00: Workshops
      • Best Donor/Grant Practices/ and Redistributing Decision Making Power 
        • Rajiv Khanna, Director of Philanthropic Partnerships, Thousand Currents 
        • Ana Conner, Co-Director, Third Wave Fund 
      • Giving As Part of a Healing Journey / Giving as Honoring Ancestors 
        • Susan Raffo 
    • 6:15-7:45 Optional Game Night and Social Time  
  • Saturday, June 26th
    • 1:00-2:30: Workshops
      • Solidarity Economy Investing 
      • Organizing Family through a Trauma Informed Lens 
        • Members of Families Organizing To Resource Movements  
    • 2:30-3:00 Break
    • 3:00-4:30: Panel on Social Justice Philanthropy and Redistribution
    • 4:30-5:30: Small Group Facilitated Conversations 
    • 5:30-6:00: Closing

Registration closes soon - secure your spot!



RG 101 Orientation - BIPOC space!
June 30th, Wednesday 7pm ET/4pm PT 
Register here

This month's RG 101 Orientation is specifically designed for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). Our monthly RG 101s are typically open to all, so if you do not identify as BIPOC, look out for future opportunities

Did you recently hear about RG. through a friend, a media story or another social justice organization? Do you know people in your network who have class privilege and/or access to wealth? Join us and invite other prospective RGers to our monthly RG 101 orientation! 

You will learn about RG's vision and organizing model, share about why you're excited about being part of the community, and start building relationships with RG members and staff. The RG 101 orientation is open for all BIPOC folks, both for people in chapter areas, and those that are not. This space is geared toward young people of color (18-35) with access to wealth and/or class privilege, but anyone (regardless of age or class background) is welcome to attend. We look forward to connecting with you! 

RG Jews Series on Visions for Jewish Safety

As was noted in RG's recent statement on solidarity with Palestinian movements, a group of Jewish RG members (see the list below) is organizing a series of conversations about visions of Jewish safety. We'll be exploring what Jewish safety can look and feel like for our multiracial and multiethnic community members beyond relying on wealth accumulation, the Israeli state, policing, etc. We recognize the heaviness of this moment, both in witnessing the escalated violence and occupation in Israel/Palestine along with several antisemitic attacks across the US and beyond.

We are also clear that these conversations and visions of Jewish safety will look and feel different for each of us, especially depending on our racial and ethnic identities and personal relationships to Israel/Palestine, so we will offer time for caucusing for Jewish people of color and others who would feel supported by that offer.

This space is designed for any and all Jewish members of the RG community (anyone who identifies as Jewish/has Jewish heritage can join, regardless of your particular relationship to Judaism). We prefer you to join both sessions if possible, as we will be building relationships and community, and co-creating visions of safety together. If you're not available for both, you're also welcome to join whenever you are available. For privacy reasons, we will not be recording these sessions.

Sending lots of love and care through the grieving, anger, fear, confusion, etc that may be emerging for you in this time,

Nadav David (RG Jews Lead & New England Regional Organizer), Aidan Orly, Iris Brilliant, Margi Dashevsky, Margot Seigle, Maya Edery, and Molly Schulman

Putting Values into Practice: A Conversation about Resource Generation’s Decentralizing Leadership 
June 16th, Wednesday, 11-12:30 PM ET

Register here

We’re partnering with Round Sky to host a conversation about implementing Collab, a decentralized leadership structure, with the board and staff over the last 18 months. We started on this journey because we value collaboration and shared power and yet struggled to match our decision-making, leadership, and management to reflect those values. 
Attend this webinar to listen in on what RG staff have learned after prioritizing and integrating shared leadership tools into our work alongside Round Sky to support our growing staff team and build a culture of deep collaboration that reflect our anti-oppression values. We’ll share lessons learned, reflections, and what’s next for us. 

Redistribution Story-telling Workshop
June 18th, Friday, 3pm PT/6pm ET 
Register here

Come celebrate the end of the Spring Redistribution Pledge and Membership Drive by hearing and telling the tales of powerful money-moves made during the past months! Hear from RG members who are close to full redistribution of inherited wealth, members working to start the journey, and members somewhere in between. We believe that stories are seeds - individual redistribution moments can turn into collective action and structural change.

In this interactive workshop we will discuss how stories can be organizing tools, explore the Redistribution Story Library, plus we’ll get to practice telling our own Redistribution Stories.

*Coming up on June 14th and 23rd: RG Staff & Board Office Hours
Office Hours #1: Monday June 14th 1-3pm ET/10am-12pm PT
Office Hours #2: Wednesday June 23rd 4-6pm ET/1-3pm PT

Want to connect more with members of RG’s staff & board? Have questions about our work, organizational structure, or partners? Come to our June office hours, a drop in space we are trying out to build more relationships between staff, board, and members and create more pathways for answering any questions you have. No registration needed, dates and Zoom links above.






RG-CT has been busy this spring! We began monthly Second Sunday Accountability Hours where we host conversations around topics including transformative investing principles, redistribution plans and money stories. We also launched two sub-circles — Campaigns and Powerbuilding — in order to more strategically apply our people power.

RG-CT member Ila Duncan coordinated with FairShare CT and Working Families Party CT to pen an oped in support of a just recovery and progressive taxation in Connecticut.

Finally, our Campaigns circle has been growing our partnership with Make the Road Connecticut, excitedly preparing for our first co-hosted event in late June: a teach-in + fundraiser on current issues faced by immigrants in CT and the US at large.


***RG has several local chapters (established and emerging!) across the U.S. and growing! If you are interested in connecting with your local RG chapter or community to support local organizing movements (and the long-term fight for social justice!), please check out the RG intake form.


Check out our new campaigns section on our website and



After seven years with Resource Generation, RG's Executive Director, Iimay Ho, is transitioning out on June 30 to embark on their next adventure! Join us Tuesday, June 15 from 7-8:30pm ET/ 4-5:30pm PT to celebrate Iimay's powerful leadership and to honor their contributions to RG and to social justice movements.




Not too long ago, over 130 participants from across regions joined RG for our second ever National Virtual Praxis! 

National virtual praxis is an adaptation of the 6-month long local praxis groups most RG chapters lead at least once a year; shortened to 4 sessions and open to a significantly larger group of people in an effort to make this political education tool more widely accessible to folks outside of chapters or otherwise unable to join a local group. Praxis is our political education primer into understanding classism, white supremacy, and the role of young people with wealth and class privilege in dismantling these systems in movements for liberation.

This edition of the curriculum featured groundbreaking systems of oppression analysis from our campaign partner, Center for Popular Democracy, and incorporated Movement For Black Lives' Reparations Toolkit as homework. This powerful programming is a heavy lift, and would not have been possible without our amazing 26 breakout leaders and - for the first time in National Virtual Praxis history - facilitation led by two grounded and committed member leaders Zoe Jeka and Zak Parpia! 



  • Our 2020 Annual Report is up on our website! Read more about all we accomplished together in 2020, including highlights from each area of our work.
  • Request for Proposals from Donor Organizers: RG is seeking proposals from experienced fundraisers and social justice movement-based development professionals to add short-term capacity to our work cultivating young people with wealth as dues-paying members of Resource Generation and as bold and principled donors to social justice movements more broadly. Read more about how to apply/submit a proposal here.




  • Uplifting Birth Justice three-part series: We are working in partnership with the Women Donors Network and over 15 other organizations at the center of the birth justice movement to bring you this free upcoming series. Upcoming workshops include, "Our Bodies, Our Futures: Organizing for Birth Justice" on June 16th and "From Silos to Synergy: Funding Maternal and Newborn Health, Justice, and Equity" on July 14th.  
    • Come away with an understanding of what the birth justice movement is, how it works in partnership with reproductive justice movement to impact all the needs and rights around reproductive health, and what it means for investment in birth to be anti-racist and feminist. More info and registration here.
  • Stop Line 3
    • For years community members have been fighting against the construction of the tar sand line 3 pipeline. This fight, led by Indigenous organizers, is at a critical moment. Please take a moment to act in solidarity by donating, signing the petition and showing up in any other ways you are able including attending and/or sponsoring someone else to attend the Treaty People Gathering that is happening in Northern Minnesota June 5th-8th, priority days Sunday June 6th and Monday June 7th. 

We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member, and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form!


