U.S. Chamber of Commerce Declares WAR On American Workers Business group backs worst aspects of Pres. Biden's immigration plan; we MUST counter its message! Dear John, When you hear that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is intensifying its push for huge increases in immigration numbers, please don't presume that the U.S. Chamber is composed of the Chambers of Commerce from your hometown. Only a small number of the more than 4,000 local chambers of commerce in this country actually belong to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Who the U.S. Chamber tends to represent most are global corporations like Google, Facebook and Amazon. They are pushing for the Chamber's radical plan to ensure a permanent, insurmountably huge glut of labor, no matter the catastrophic costs to our infrastructure, quality of life, environment, or our national finances. We represent YOU. NumbersUSA Action relies 100% on individual donors. We can accept no foundation grants. Can you help us continue to fight for you?
Earlier this week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced it wants to double the number of employment-based visas from 140,000 to 280,000 per year. Can you believe that, John?! DOUBLE??!! But that's not all: they want spouses and minor children to NOT count against that limit, a move they openly expect will double AGAIN the number of visas issued through this program. That alone is over half a million new immigrants per year, every year. The Chamber claims its purpose in multiplying immigration rates is to attract a more highly trained workforce, but the Chamber opposes sensible measures to prevent visa abuse. And the Chamber ALSO seeks to double the number of visas issued for low-skilled, seasonal work. AND it wants to EXEMPT returning workers from the new higher quota they are pushing. That will effectively END any and all limits on H-2B seasonal visas, whatsoever. We have plenty of low-skilled workers! Don't think the Chamber is pushing only for more LEGAL immigration either, John! It's also pushing to create more rewards for ILLEGAL immigration including amnesty for millions. Nothing in the Chamber's agenda addresses the fraud rampant in visa programs, fraud which gives crooked businesses advantages over honest, hard-working, legitimate business. Like President Biden, the Chamber's latest push fails to call for nationwide E-Verify. Or border security. Or measures against asylum fraud. Or limits on birthright citizenship for children of aliens. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has hundreds of millions of dollars at its disposal, and its member corporations have additional billions, to distort the national debate on immigration. It's among the largest lobbying and campaign-spending organizations in America. Fortunately, for the most part, America's citizenry isn't buying its distortions. But we rely on your help to make sure Congress KNOWS you aren't buying it... and that lawmakers hear the truth about the terrible consequences of our high immigration rates.
The Chamber's latest push comes amidst a blizzard of unilateral actions made by President Biden to encourage illegal immigration. Just last week, the administration also delayed implementation of rules designed to prevent employers from paying foreign workers below-market-rate wages. If there really were a shortage of workers, wouldn't you think that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce would try to STOP companies misusing skilled-worker visas to simply drive down wages? The U.S. Chamber of Commerce claims it's trying to create jobs for Americans and help the economy. Of course, the truth is that the main economic effect of massive rates of immigration is to transfer money from American workers to global corporations. Congress wants to believe that obeying the will of lobbyists and billionaire donors is the right thing to do; they don't want to hear that their actions help destroy America's middle class, her fiscal health or the environment. That's why we all have to work together to correct the disinformation over and over again. It's easy for elected officials to ignore one voice, even if it makes sense. It's much harder to ignore hundreds of thousands of voices... especially in a democracy. That's why we need to work together. NumbersUSA organizes the masses. We provide legislative research, reliable data, sound arguments and clear language to millions of readers and activists. This takes time, expertise and yes, funds. Please help us continue to fight for you. Donate today. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Thank you, Dan Marsh
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].