A weekly news digest from the Village of Oswego

News digest from the Village of Oswego

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Tune into our Alternate Water Source discussion June 8

drinking water

The underground aquifers that supply Oswego's drinking water are rapidly depleting, and estimates suggest that sometime between 2030 and 2050 our water source may no longer be able to meet our daily water demands. Oswego, like our neighboring communities who have partnered with us on this issue, is studying alternate sources, including the Fox River and Lake Michigan, to supply the water we use every day for drinking, washing, and irrigating our lawns.?

Join us at the Committee of the Whole Meeting at 6 p.m. this Tuesday, June 8, for the first part of our decision-making discussion, Alternate Water Source: Purpose, Needs and Options. Watch live at 6 p.m. Tuesday and view the Preliminary Report now on our website.

You can also learn more on our New Water Source page.?

Save the date for Seniors Coffee and Conversation June 19

Coffee and Conversations water tower edition

Yard Sale 2021

Check out the Community Yard Sale interactive map

Yard sale map

Every year, the Oswego Community Yard Sale offers residents the opportunity to meet their neighbors, pick up once-loved items for a steal, and divert those items from ending up in a landfill. It's an eco-friendly bargain-hunting adventure!

The Community Yard Sale is this weekend, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, June 4, and Saturday, June 5, in yards and garage across Oswego. A list of addresses was published in the June 3 edition of the Oswego Ledger, or click to view the interactive Google Map of participating addresses.?

Lead service line

Oswego announces lead-free water system

The Village of Oswego has completed its lead service line replacement and is pleased to declare the Village?s water supply system lead-free ahead of its initially planned timeline. Lead was a common piping material through much of the 20th century, but exposure to lead can cause neurological illnesses, especially in young children, including slower growth and cognitive issues.

As part of the Village?s water meter replacement program, staff inspected water service lines to identify those made of lead and tag them for replacement. When just five such lead service lines were discovered in Oswego, the Oswego Village Board authorized the replacement of the lines at no cost to residents.?Learn More.?

Take a survey to help bring Metra to Oswego

Illinois Rail Needs Survey

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is conducting a Rail Needs Assessment Study to identify rail improvements that are needed throughout the state. IDOT is hosting a virtual public event to present information on rail service throughout the State and gather feedback.

Check out the presentation, available June 1-14, at?www.IllinoisRailNeeds.org/virtualevent .?

To take the survey at tell IDOT you'd like to see Metra service in Oswego, click here.?

Now hiring

Public Works Seasonal?

Looking for a summer job? The Village of Oswego is currently accepting applications for seasonal public works positions. More information and application instructions are available online at www.oswegoil.org/jobs.

Upcoming dates

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