
Last month was one of the best yet for our America First movement - some of the most prominent Republican fighters in the country are rallying around OUR pioneering efforts to ensure integrity and transparency at the ballot box!

We’re picking up this attention and seeing great results thanks to YOU, and we want to keep this momentum going in June.

Help us continue our fight for Election Integrity and our efforts to stand against Joe Biden, Mark Kelly, and Kyrsten Sinema’s lawless, Open Borders, America Last agenda. Let’s stay focused, stay engaged, and start the month of June off strong!
Now isn’t the time to rest on our laurels - we need to continue to grow our America First state party, and see this growth translate into real victories that save our country!

You’re playing a monumental role in this effort, and we know that this mission will continue to make strides as long as you’re in our corner. We can first secure our voices at the ballot box, and then use them to elect candidates who are 100% invested in our country and our people!

Thank you for keeping up the fight this month,
AZGOP Finance Team