The response to my last message was massive. Hundreds of us leapt into action to defend chickens and masterfully disrupted “business as usual” for Costco. I can’t thank you enough for calling to speak up for animals!
I have more encouraging news to share: One of our supporters who called in reported back that a top level executive is really unhappy about the campaign. This is BIG, and it means that we’ve got the attention of Costco’s decision-makers!
These decision-makers hold incredible power at the company—and can wield that power for good. While they're raking in millions, gentle and sensitive animals are still being abused. It’s not okay, and they need to hear from compassionate people like you to let them know that they’re accountable for these atrocities every day that it continues.
Today I’m calling to put added pressure on Costco executives to act now. Can you join me in this? Here’s the number again: 1-949-313-2702. It’s the same set up as last time. When you dial through, the system will read out the name and title of the person you’re being connected with. I plan on saying something like this:
Hi, my name is Kelly. As a leader at Costco, you have a responsibility to do the right thing for the individuals you oversee. Animals included. People don’t want to support companies who allow animal abuse and ignore the pleas from customers to stop it. I strongly urge you to wield your power for good by adopting the Better Chicken Commitment.
This quote feels fitting for this moment: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Chickens need this win.
Thank you for keeping the momentum going.
P.S. Did you see the latest video calling out Costco executives? After I give them a call, I plan to head over there to respond to some comments and share it with my network so we can spread our message far and wide. See you in the comments section!
----- Original Message -----
Costco is trying to mislead you and the public. Don’t let them get away with it.
I have good news and bad news.
Let’s start with the good. After being called out for extreme animal abuse, Costco finally broke its silence. The uprising of voices from thousands of caring people just like you is what it took to breakthrough. I can’t thank you enough for helping get us this far.
Here’s the bad news. Costco decided to dig in its heels and attempt to shield itself from public scrutiny by stating that, “The minimum standards followed in these barns are based on those developed by the National Chicken Council (NCC)”. 🙄
But here’s what Costco’s doesn’t want you to know: Those very same “standards'' set by the NCC are what allow chickens to be abused in the first place. They allow for cramming these sensitive birds into filthy, windowless barns. They allow for the breeding of fast-growing birds that uniquely suffer from chronic, excruciating pain and deformities. They allow for the horrific slaughtering of baby animals who are just six weeks old.
Chickens are among the most abused and vulnerable animals in our society. Thank you for speaking up on their behalf.
Costco is one of the biggest grocery retailers in the world. A commitment from such an influential brand holds significant weight—not only for the chickens in Costco’s supply chain, but for the industry at large.
There's one powerful thing we can do today to show Costco that when it comes to cruelty, we’re not buying it.
Can you join me in calling Costco today to speak up on behalf of chickens? Here’s the number: 949-313-2702. We set up a campaign phone number that will automatically direct you to someone who works for Costco. The system will read out the name and title of the person you’re being connected with.
I plan on saying something like this…
Hi, my name is Kelly. I was really disappointed to see Costco’s public statement attempting to avoid responsibility for the abuse of chickens in its supply chain. I saw the footage, and these are no “minimum standards” to be proud of. There is no denying that chickens are suffering at the hands of Costco.
By flooding Costco’s phone lines, we will send a clear message—we are NOT backing down. We’re here, holding strong.
Thank you for charging onward for the animals.
Kelly Myers
Corporate Campaigns Manager |
P.S. Have you seen the latest Costco video? Costco members all across the country are speaking out and imploring the company to do better by animals. Show your support by watching and sharing with a Costco member you know!
P.S.S. Are you a Costco member? Your voice could be extra powerful! Click here to let us know, and we’ll connect you with member-specific opportunities to help inspire a more compassionate Costco.