The Committee for Teressa Raiford for Mayor have released a statement that Teressa has officially filed her candidacy! She turned in the requirement of 100 signatures, which makes her eligible to participate in City’s Open and Accountable Elections. By forgoing the $50 fee, they were able to collect each of these signatures directly from community supporters. Teressa and her campaign team will now seek 500 individual donations (none of which to exceed $250) from Portland city residents in order to qualify for matching contributions.
The committee is excited to achieve yet another goal that will help us promote voter education while building community focus with this campaign. The committee would like to thank the 109 signees who helped make this goal possible in the last two weeks. Public safety continues to be Teressa Raiford’s main platform issue - for more information on her campaign, please head to the official website,
Help move Portland forward! You can support our campaign here, and ask that you consider making a small, recurring donation.
The last day to participate in Portland’s Open and Accountable Elections is January 15th, 2020.