You and I were right to question Dr. Tony Fauci at every turn, and now it seems everyone else is catching on. Fauci knowingly misled the public and admitted he didn’t think Americans could handle the truth. But much worse, he may have opened the door to the entire pandemic through his involvement in dangerous “gain-of-function” research, to make diseases like COVID more contagious, at the Wuhan lab in China. Now even the left, who held him up as a vaunted hero, is starting to rat him out. This week, The Washington Post and Buzzfeed, who for over a year have published heaps of praise on Fauci, released thousands of his emails obtained through FOIA, from January through June of last year. They certainly didn’t add back an ounce of credibility to the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). In fact, these emails show the two-faced Fauci was saying things in emails that completely contradict what he’s been telling the public . . . and our elected officials in Congress when under oath! Those emails prove, among other things: >>Fauci
told colleagues masks were ineffective, especially for stopping a virus, then flip-flopped and told the public otherwise; >>Fauci was warned by another immunologist that COVID was likely manipulated in a lab, then said publicly it occurred naturally; >>Fauci was well aware of the lab-leak theory, which was publicly denied and even BANNED on social media at his direction. He denied this for over a year; >>Fauci was aware of a high level of success with certain drug combinations to fight off a COVID infection but told the public these alternatives were dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed; >>Fauci possibly committed perjury in front of Congress by denying knowledge of the genetic engineering of COVID and lab leak theories. Patriot, you and I knew this long ago, but now Congress and the president need to get rid of Anthony Fauci! If you agree that Fauci needs to GO, sign the Fire Fauci directive to your U.S. Senators and Representative. Once you’ve done that, I urge you to rush a donation of $50, $150, or even $250 if you can afford it, to give Campaign for Liberty the resources to continue fighting Dr. Fauci’s medical tyranny and lies. I have a feeling when all this corona madness is behind us, Dr. Fauci will be relieved if the worst consequence of his actions is being fired. Some are calling for criminal prosecution, and that might just be necessary. Because of Dr. Fauci and his “recommendations,” Americans all over the country have spent the last 15 months having their businesses, schools, churches, and the rest of our lives shut down under draconian “lockdowns.” He did this all while knowingly misleading the public and scrambling behind the scenes to control what information was released. Then Fauci sat back and watched as his policies destroyed the country economically and tore apart our society. Dr. Fauci needs to go NOW. For over a year now, the corporate press has heaped embarrassing levels of praise on Fauci, hanging on his every word. Last night Tucker Carlson on Fox News did not mince words in a segment about Dr. Fauci and what we’re now learning about him from the emails. Here are some of Tucker’s statements: "Fauci supported the grotesque and dangerous experiments that appeared to have made COVID possible." “From the beginning, Tony Fauci was worried that the public might conclude COVID had originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology." "The emails prove that Fauci lied about this under oath." This is all very alarming. My son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), has been directly challenging Dr. Fauci when he testifies in front of Congress, and it’s very likely that Rand’s pointed questions resulted in Fauci perjuring himself about knowledge and involvement in dangerous “gain-of-function” research taking place in Wuhan and funded with American tax dollars. Turns out Rand has been right about everything, including “gain-of-function,” and Fauci has been deceiving the American public -- he’s even admitted to being intentionally deceptive over the past 15 months! Gain-of-function research creates viruses that are much more contagious than anything found in nature, and Dr. Fauci played a role in this type of research until it was banned in the U.S. in 2014 . . . because it’s too dangerous! We’ve also endured months of pointless mask mandates for adults AND CHILDREN that Fauci insisted on publicly, but behind the scenes was telling colleagues were not helpful and shouldn’t be worn by the healthy. What was his motivation? Did Fauci just want to keep the general public scared AND muzzled? Fauci claims his emails can be “taken out of context,” so are his words before Congress just mis-statements or did he lie under oath? Dr. Fauci deserves to be fired (or worse) for the tyrannical lockdowns, mandates, and his lies in front of Congress! Your legislators in D.C. must hear LOUD AND CLEAR that you know the truth about COVID is finally starting to come out and the first repercussion for the chaos of the last 15 months is FAUCI HAS GOT TO GO! Sign the Fire Fauci Directive! ![]() Big Government statists, global financial elites, and their pals in the national media immediately saw the opportunity to seize more control over you and me and an excuse for funneling massive amounts of OUR wealth to their politically well-connected cronies. They turned this country into a medical police state, and we became a de facto socialist nation with millions of people being paid to not work! Governors in state after state have placed restrictions on travel, they shuttered businesses deemed “non-essential,” and they effectively prohibited religious gatherings -- ALL BY DECREE! And they all took their cues from Dr. Fauci, who needs to be fired immediately so we can start to have an honest discussion about how to move on from this pandemic and never let it happen again. Campaign for Liberty has been right about the lockdowns and mandates the entire time, even going back to last March, so if you agree with us now, I urge you to sign on to the Fire Fauci Directive. Sign the Fire Fauci directive to your U.S. Senators and Representative. As I’ve shouted from the rooftops since this whole Coronacrisis panic began, the authoritarians, Big Government statists, and global elites would lock arms in dire predictions, and drag the country off a cliff. The public face of it all is, of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci and his cabal of authoritarian bureaucrats have been LYING about coronavirus all along! It’s time to get rid of them now and get our country back on track. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Anthony Fauci has led this country off a cliff with his dire predictions, major missteps, and his outright deception of the American people. And it’s time for him to be fired from his well-paying government job now! Click here to sign the directive to your senators and representative demanding they do everything they can to end Fauci’s lucrative career at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as well head of the White House Coronavirus taskforce. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.