News from Representative Allred

June 3, 2021

Dear Friend,

North Texas’ rapid growth is affecting our roads, bridges, airports and railways. And with more folks returning back to the office, congestion is getting worse. Additionally, the winter storms earlier this year served as a reminder of how critical it is to maintain all types of our existing infrastructure.

As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I’m focused on renewing and rebuilding our local infrastructure and creating good jobs for North Texas. I recently re-introduced the Revitalizing American Priorities for Infrastructure Development (RAPID) Act, along with my colleague Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) to incentivize investment in critical infrastructure projects.

What are your infrastructure priorities?

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Investment in infrastructure isn’t an option -- it's a necessity. I am pleased to work with President Biden on the American Jobs Plan, a once in a generation investment in the American worker that would create millions of jobs in rebuilding and repairing roads, bridges, and airports, removing and replacing lead pipes to provide clean drinking water, delivering broadband to rural areas, and focusing on American manufacturing and sustainable, clean-energy solutions.

I will continue to work in Congress on bipartisan legislation that creates good jobs and grows the North Texas economy. Please tell me your top infrastructure priorities above and join my email list to stay updated on our work for North Texas.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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