One other thing, in case you missed my note yesterday (copied below):
The Trumpist governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, is threatening to defund the State Legislature in a juvenile act of retaliation after Democrats fought back when Republicans tried to pass a racist, anti-democratic voter suppression bill.
In other words, the executive branch of American’s second largest state — and the 9th largest economy in the world — is essentially trying to eliminate the legislative branch in what amounts to a temper tantrum.
We have to stop this slow-motion coup d’etat aimed at overturning democracy itself.
Tell Senate Democrats:
Your colleagues in Texas just stood up for our democracy. For the sake of the country, you must set aside the filibuster and pass both the For the People Act (a.k.a. H.R.1 / S.1) and the John Lewis Voter Advancement Act. The very future of democracy in America is at stake.
Add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
For democracy,
- Robert
Did you hear about what just happened in Texas?
- This past Sunday, Democrats in the Texas Legislature took a stand to defend democracy from Trumpist Republicans.
- All across America, Republican governors and state legislatures are, in essence, carrying out a slow-motion coup d’etat engineered to overturn democracy itself.
- The party of Trump is doing this by passing blatantly anti-democratic laws that make it harder for people of color, residents of large cities, and others to vote and that allow Republican state legislatures to summarily overturn elections that don’t go their way.
- The Republican-dominated Texas Legislature was about to pass one of these racist, democracy-killing bills in its final session for the year.
- But Democrats collectively walked out of the State Capitol, thereby leaving too few legislators present to hold a vote.
- The Trumpist governor of Texas is, of course, making noise about forcing the Legislature to hold a special session to pass the bill.
- So, despite taking such a bold stand, Texas Democrats may have bought only a few weeks’ reprieve before Republicans jam the bill through anyway.
To stop these racist, anti-democratic laws in state after state, Congress must pass the For the People Act (a.k.a. H.R.1 / S.1) and the John Lewis Voter Advancement Act.
And that will not happen until Democrats in the U.S. Senate unite to disarm Mitch McConnell by setting aside the Jim Crow relic known as the filibuster (which originated by accident and does not even appear in the Constitution).
Tell Senate Democrats:
Your colleagues in Texas just stood up for our democracy. For the sake of the country, you must set aside the filibuster and pass both the For the People Act (a.k.a. H.R.1 / S.1) and the John Lewis Voter Advancement Act. The very future of democracy in America is at stake.
Add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
For democracy,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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