Dear John,
On May 26th shareholders sent an unmistakable message that – as the Washington Post put it – “Change is coming, whether the oil industry likes it or not.”
- Shareholders forced Exxon to accept five new board members (three elected and two separately negotiated) with a mandate of transformation and climate transparency, even as management dug in its heels in opposition
- An astounding 48% of Chevron shareholders voted in favor of our resolution requiring that carbon emissions be audited, just like financials; and on an allied resolution 61% of shareholders voted to require Chevron to account for its “Scope 3” emissions – the emissions caused by burning the oil and gas it sells. These linked ideas – required auditing that includes Scope 3 emissions – have the potential to transform every public company in the U.S.
My quote in Politico sums it up: “A powerful signal has been sent to every oil company, to every company that’s polluting, to every company that’s in the economy [that] these boards can’t continue ignoring their shareholders. Shareholders have said ‘enough’. Shareholders are using their power. This has been a long time
Our work is part of a growing wave of climate action. Last week alone, in addition to the spectacular Exxon and Chevron shareholder votes,
In the Netherlands, the courts required Shell to reduce carbon emissions from its oil & gas production and sales by 45%
Ford launched an electric version of its massively popular F-150 pickup truck with the breezy slogan "Say goodbye to gas"
Indonesia, the world's biggest coal-exporting country, made the stunning announcement that it will not allowany new coal power plants
A new study of trends since 2015 was released, showing that sales of electric vehicles have increased by 41% every year. If sales simply continue at that same rate, by 2040 all light-duty passenger vehicles will be powered by electrons, not petroleum
If any single week can be designated a tipping point, it was last week. It’s taken an immense amount of tenacity and perseverance to get here – we’ve been engaging Exxon, Chevron, and multiple other oil & gas companies for well over a decade. Our work, grounded in research, expressed in data, and shaped into action is making powerful change, globally.
Last week saw truly historic milestones. Together, we’ll take it all the way.
Yours for a just and sustainable future,


Andrew Behar
As You Sow
2150 Kittredge St
Suite 450
Berkeley, CA 94704
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