Hey folks!

I’m back in Colorado this week. Yesterday, I visited a few businesses in Greeley, Fort Collins, and Denver to see how our restaurant revitalization grants were helping businesses in Colorado. Now, I’m back home holding some meetings by phone and finalizing our plans for the coming months.

Now that it is becoming safer to do so, I’m excited to travel more around the state, holding town halls and talking to as many constituents as I can.

But until then, I wanted to send around my June Survey. Part of my job is making sure Washington is working for you and your families, so I need to know what’s important to you.

Take a few minutes to fill out my June Survey below and let me know what issues are most important to you. You can select your top priority here:


Thanks for taking the time to fill out my survey. Hearing directly from you helps me serve you better in the United States Senate.

— John