Dear friend,
Last week I wrote about happenings in the U.S. Senate on three bills that FAMM supports. Thank you for taking action!
Your hard work paid off, everyone. I'm happy to say that the Safer Detention Act was approved by the committee with few changes. Opponents of reform put up a fight, but there was strong enough support for the bill to move forward. Now, the bill moves to the whole Senate, where we hope it will get a vote soon.
Unfortunately, the First Step Implementation Act and Acquitted Conduct Act didn't get votes that day—but only because the committee ran out of time. We expect both bills to be considered again as soon as next week.
These are both smart, commonsense reforms, but we know that there are going to be many proposed amendments that we will have to fight. You can help us keep up that fight by contacting your senators today.
Will you take a minute now to email your senators in support of the First Step Implementation Act?
Thank you for everything you do to help us fight for a fairer justice system.

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM