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Don't miss the Chamber's Annual State of the County & Public Safety Awards on Tuesday, June 15 from 8:00-9:30 a.m. This virtual event is a community-focused event that celebrates Arlington’s achievements, our community’s future, and those who make Arlington a great place to live and work.

At the State of the County & Public Safety Awards, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the County’s economic and developmental status from Arlington County Board Chair, Matt de Ferranti, as well as honor our local heroes who keep our community safe. Our emcees will be Scott Brodbeck, Founder, Editor, and Publisher of ARLnow.com and Allison Starling, Anchor for ABC7.

Join the Chamber on Zoom to receive an update on Arlington County and pay tribute to our public safety personnel and first-responders from Arlington County’s Fire Department, Police Department, Public Safety Communications & Emergency Management, and Office of the Sheriff, who have exemplified extraordinary heroic actions and exceptional performance of their duties.

Your registration fee will provide breakfast for a first-responder or public safety personnel.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Grand Sponsor
Keynote Sponsor
Award Sponsor
Event Information

Date: Tuesday, June 15

7:45 a.m. Zoom Opens
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Program

Members: $29
Prospective Members: $49

Event Questions?
Olivia McKay
Operations Manager
(703) 525-2400
Showcase Your Community Support

Are you interested in community impact and local government involvement? The Chamber offers a number of sponsorship opportunities that will allow you to demonstrate your gratitude for our public safety personnel and all of those who dedicate themselves to the betterment of our area.

More information can be found in our sponsorship document. For questions or to reserve a sponsorship, contact Andrea Aiello, Membership Engagement Manager, at [email protected] or (703) 525-2400.