Welcome to Thursday, June 3rd, shampoos and conditioners...

Former President Trump has been telling people he thinks he'll be “reinstated” by August as he remains “laser-focused” on GOP-led audits of votes from the 2020 election.

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Maggie Haberman of The New York Times, who broke some of the biggest stories of the Trump administration, tweeted:

"Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn’t how it works but simply sharing the information)."

Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell - who filed dozens of unsuccessful lawsuits attempting to overturn the 2020 election result - told the attendees at a QAnon conference this past weekend that Trump could be "reinstated" as president:

"I'm sure there's not going to be credit for time lost, unfortunately, because the Constitution itself sets the date for inauguration, but he should definitely get the remainder of his term and make the best of it."

Do you believe in QAnon conspiracies?

Suspending Oil Leasing in Alaska’s Arctic Wildlife Refuge

The Biden administration announced Tuesday that it is suspending oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Coastal Plain on Alaska’s North Slope. 

The Dept. of the Interior (DOI) is suspending active leases pending a review under the National Environmental Policy Analysis (NEPA), which will determine whether the leases that have already been made should be reaffirmed, voided, or subject to additional mitigation measures.

The review will focus on the potential impact of the oil and gas leasing program along with what it alleges are “legal deficiencies in the current leasing program’s environmental review under NEPA.”

Oil and gas leasing in ANWR was authorized by a Republican Congress and the Trump administration in 2017 through the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act after years of advocacy by proponents of energy development in the area. It required that at least two lease sales be made in the non-wilderness Coastal Plain by 2024. 

Do you support or oppose oil and gas leasing in Alaska’s ANWR?

Open Skies Treaty With Russia

The State Dept. informed Russia late last week that it will not reenter the Open Skies Treaty. This is despite Biden’s past support for the treaty and his criticism of then-President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the OST.

Biden is expected to meet with Putin on June 16 in Geneva, Switzerland. The demise of the Open Skies Treaty leaves the New START Treaty as the only major arms control agreement between the U.S. and Russia that is still active.

Do you support or oppose the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Open Skies Treaty with Russia?

All The Memes Fit To Post

And, In The End...

Mooch some hooch for National Moonshine Day.

—Josh Herman

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