The policies of the anti-cop Marxist mayor of New York City has emboldened criminals. Open season on the good and law abiding.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

OUT OF CONTROL: NYC Violent Criminal Charged in Vicious Attack Against Asian Woman Has 17 PRIOR Arrests - Geller Report News
The policies of the anti-cop Marxist mayor of New York City has emboldened criminals. Open season on the good and law abiding.

Pennsylvania Legislators Travel to Arizona to Observe Election Audit - Geller Report News
Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and now Pennsylvania - the stolen battleground states. The gathering storm....... 🙏

Muslim Girls Try To Drown Jewish girl in Swimming Pool: "'We will chase every Yahud out of here, this is all ours, get out of here,' - Geller Report News
The Muslim world has been given on a free pass on 1,400 years of genocidal Jew hatred. America has long been a stop gap to their annihilationist aspirations. Those days are over. Jews, get armed.

Killer "Biden" Kills OIl Leases in Alaska’s Arctic Region - Geller Report News
Killing American jobs, livelihoods, independence, dreams .... this is the Democrat party platform.

TREASON: Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanking Him for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory - Geller Report News
Geller Report was was one a handful of websites publishing reports from Chinese scientists detailing COVID's origins. We were punished, suspended, terminated .... we were, yet again, right about everything. And yet my colleagues and I are still ...

STRAIGHT UP RACISM: "Biden" Claims Black Entrepreneurs “Don’t Have Lawyers” or “Accountants” - Geller Report News
Straight up racism. Biden and the Democrats talk about the Black community like they are mentally challenged. They can't handle voter ID or computers or ...... lawyers and accountants.

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs the Florida Leads Budget, CUTS TAXES $169 MILLION - Geller Report News
Is it any wonder those yearning to free are fleeing slave statwes to move to the free state of Florida? #DeSantis2024.

Google's Diversity Head: 'Jews Have Insatiable Appetite for War and Killing' - Geller Report News
These people are controlling the what information and news we see and hear. There is something terribly, horribly wrong in America.

"Biden": 'White Supremacists' More of a Threat Than Islamic State (ISIS), Al Qaeda - Geller Report News
Utterly and deliberately disconnected from reality and reason but now you know who the Democrat party of terror is targeting in post-constitutional America. They are coming after "white supremacists", in other words, anyone who opposes ...

PROTECTING GIRLS: Florida Governor Signs Bill Banning Boys from Competing Against Girls - Geller Report News
DeSantis is looking out for our girls. Under Democrat rule, rational decision making is a brave and rare.

Watch: Muslims Stage Nazi-Style Rallyl in Germany - Geller Report News
The world's silence about Islamic Jew hatred mirrors the silence about Nazi antisemitism.

CNN Loses Nearly 70% of Viewers Since Trump Left Office - Geller Report News
Not enough. These traitorous destroyers must be vanquished.

Qatari Minister: [Terror Statelet] Gaza Leads The Way In Jihad And Courage - Geller Report News
Once again another Islamic leader states the war against the Jews is jihad - the front in the global jihad.

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