Dear John,

Have political programs increased flourishing?

Do you believe Americans are achieving maximum human happiness? Are we enjoying a time of heightened harmony? Is everyone able to access the paths to prosperity?

Happiness, Harmony, and Prosperity are the big three flourishing factors of a healthy society.

And if you just answered “No” to those questions, then it’s hard to say that political action has worked. So, what’s the alternative?

Solutions that actually increase happiness & harmony

Our partners at The Exit Network consistently point the way toward a culture of Human Respect. 

In this article, they present and explain a philosophy that's special because it's based on a natural principle, meaning you can test it.

Once you understand it, a whole new world of flourishing falls into place. 

Check out: "Human Respect: Beneath the obvious is a profound principle"
Read Now
You are receiving this newsletter because you either participated in The World's Smallest Political Quiz, a Single Issue Survey, or the Human Respect Test on, and then (probably because you're open-minded) subscribed to learn more about solutions that don't require political force. 
The Exit Network article, above, presents the Philosophy of Human Respect. That philosophy is also the subject of our Human Respect Test! Right now... 

You can take or retake the Human Respect Test or share it with friends. Typical test duration is 3 minutes. Here's the link.
And if you value getting Human Respect solutions, please Tip this effort. Contributions are tax-deductible. 

Best Regards,

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government
[email protected]

p.s. Let us know what you think.


To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

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