I first came out in college.

Back then, I knew I was interested in public service, and I feared that I would face a serious choice between pursuing the field of my dreams or living my authentic life openly.

Seeing others in the LGBTQ community demonstrate acts of courage by coming out, being themselves, and being public about who they are and who they love — I came to realize that I could do both. I could run for office and be honest about who I am.

When I became the first openly gay Senator in our nation's history, I understood that this extraordinary opportunity needed to be used to make a difference in people's lives. That's why I ran in the first place — not to make history, but to make a difference. And folks like you supported me because you wanted to make a difference, too. So I'm asking you to keep going.

This Pride Month, make sure our hard-fought victories are not undone by right-wing state legislatures. Add your name to join the fight and help us pass the Equality Act:

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Over the years, we have made incredible progress in the fight for equality. But we cannot mistake that progress for victory.

In a majority of states, LGBTQ Americans live without non-discrimination laws and still face discrimination because of who they are, who they love, or what their family looks like.

Republican held state legislatures across the country are actively attacking our progress, especially targeting transgender people and youth. And just yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed one of these discriminatory bills into law.

That’s why it’s so critical that we pass the Equality Act, so that all LGBTQ Americans finally have the freedom of full equality and protection under federal law. You can add your name to my petition demanding the Senate pass the Equality Act here:

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We have come too far to let the opponents of equality win. Together, let’s make sure our voices are heard.

— Tammy