No one should choose between staying in touch with a loved one and paying the bills.

Tammy Duckworth

For families with incarcerated relatives, keeping in touch with loved ones can be incredibly costly. That’s because of the prohibitively expensive and predatory price of phone calls to prisons.

No one should ever have to choose between staying in touch with an incarcerated loved one and paying the bills.

That’s why I introduced bipartisan legislation to make sure prison phone rates are just and reasonable. The Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act is named for a grandmother who became a fierce advocate for affordable phone rates after being forced to choose between keeping in touch with her grandson and paying for her heart medicine.

I was proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation in her honor, and I’m asking you to join me:

Sign on to support the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act, which will make it easier and more affordable for families to stay in touch with loved ones who are serving time in prison.


Studies show that incarcerated individuals who maintain close contact with family members on the outside can have lower recidivism rates -- which means saving taxpayers money in the long term.

We have an opportunity to help families in need and improve the chances that rehabilitated offenders will find stability upon their release and not commit another crime. This is just common sense.

We need to pass the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act. Add your name if you agree.

Thank you for reading,

Tammy Duckworth



Paid For By Tammy For Illinois

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