Humankind only has this decade to set our planet on the right course, but at WLT we look at our supporters and we know that we’ll succeed.
Collectively since 1989, donations to us have funded the saving of a Cyprus-sized expanse of threatened habitats, the linking of a Scotland-sized sweep of wilderness, the planting of 2,357,675 native trees and the offsetting of enough carbon emissions to cover 168,912 London-New York return flights. Together, we’ve placed local people at the heart of conservation efforts – and seen such an approach make a crucial difference for hundreds and hundreds of species.
For World Environment Day (5 June 2021) this week, the UN is calling for a new generation to lead a Decade for Restoration. WLT supporters like you have already been part of such a movement for long – will you join us once more in this decade that will decide everything?