
have this idealized view of fascism. They underestimate the danger of
what’s happening. Certainly, Donald Trump is a fascist. And what Trump
did was, in fact, to make it the party of white supremacy. It is a
Republican party that has definitely now come in the whole of fascists, a
direct assault on white supremacy, through legislation through the
streets through all mechanisms of political protest that has to be
taken. Otherwise, you will always have this threat of white supremacist
fascist movements coming to power...
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Sam Goldman interviews long-time activist and voice of conscience Dr.
Walden Bello about Trumpism and the global spread of fascism. Dr. Bello
is currently International Adjunct Professor of sociology at the State
University of New York at Binghamton and received the Right Livelihood
Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize) in Stockholm in 2003
for his work showing the negative impact of corporate-driven
globalization. Read his article Fascism’s Global Spread is Real — As Real as the Spread of COVID-19.
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