
The House recently passed the most significant piece of voting rights legislation in decades. The For the People Act strengthens voting rights and ensures our elections are free and fair. Now, it’s on to the Senate.

Later this month, Majority Leader Schumer plans on bringing this crucial legislation to a vote — but we need 60 votes to get the job done.

What’s standing in our way? Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party.

John, add your name to demand the Senate pass the For the People Act to put power in the hands of the people. We must act now.

add your name

On health care, the minimum wage, even in last week’s vote to establish a bipartisan January 6 commission, McConnell and the Republicans have obstructed any and all meaningful progress for the American people.

We can’t let them do the same for voting rights — especially at a time when right-wing state legislatures are attacking our most fundamental rights as Americans.

Will you join Democrats in strengthening our democracy by supporting the For the People Act? We must do everything we can to ensure this bill ends up on President Biden’s desk:

add your name

If we’re going to protect the very foundation of our democracy and beat back voter suppression efforts, we must fight.

Thank you,

Defend the Senate