Dear John,

The vote on HB 2357B is right around the corner! This bill, which would bring badly needed reform to the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI), is one of our top priorities. It’s our big chance for a win on forestry this session, and the Oregon House is voting on it very soon.

Can you email your state representative today and ask them to vote yes on HB 2357B to hold OFRI accountable and remove their ability to continue misleading Oregonians with our very own tax dollars?

In solidarity,
Julia DeGraw 
Coalition Director

Dear John,

There have been so many news stories on the mismanagement of Oregon’s forests in recent years that it’s hard to miss the headlines. Most recently, investigative reporting from OPB, The Oregonian, and ProPublica brought to light the clear need to reform the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI). 

Urge your Representative to vote YES on HB 2357B for sound forest management.

For three decades, OFRI has used our tax dollars to:

  • Undermine scientific research;
  • Lobby illegally against efforts to reform Oregon’s forest policies; and 
  • Mislead Oregonians about the effectiveness of our forest laws in protecting critical resources like clean water and wildlife habitat. 

That’s why we need House Bill 2357B. 

HB 2357B will stop the waste of our public tax dollars, moving funds to programs that support sound forest management. It would redirect dollars currently going to OFRI to instead fund programs at the Department of Forestry — programs like forest pesticide regulation and monitoring, climate smart forestry, assistance to small woodland owners, and adaptive management driven by research. These are pressing and chronically underfunded needs, ones that actually protect the health of our forests now and for future generations. Contact your lawmaker about HB 2357B today.

HB 2357B just moved out of committee and is now headed to the floor for a full House vote. Contact your legislator today to urge them to vote yes on HB 2357B when it comes to the floor. Let’s hold OFRI accountable and remove their ability to continue misleading Oregonians with our very own tax dollars. 

In solidarity,
Julia DeGraw 
OLCV Coalition Director

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