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Our Electric Vehicle Future is Finally Starting to Feel Real

June 1, 2021

At Sustainable America, our passion for electric vehicles runs deep. We’ve been advocates of battery-powered cars for years, exploring EV models, telling the stories of innovators, even installing an EV charger at our old offices. As a crew of early adopters who have closely followed EVs, we can honestly say that this moment feels truly different.

Though EV sales still pale in comparison to their gas-powered counterparts, public excitement and press coverage is at an all-time high, buoyed by new models, new investments and new policies. It feels like it really is the beginning of electric vehicles’ mainstream moment.


Instacart-Like Shopping Revs Up at Food Pantries

May 25, 2021

While some pantries had begun experimenting with online ordering for clients before Covid-19, others made the switch as a way to preserve dignity of choice at a time when pre-packed boxes and bags became the norm to meet the nationwide increase in food insecurity.

Now, online ordering is colliding with the ongoing surge in drive-through food distributions, bringing a small but growing number of pantries to a higher level of service that emphasizes both choice and convenience.


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"#Composting isn’t always easy. We’ve rounded up a few of the most common mistakes or things to avoid right here. [cont.]"


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