From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Responds to Conflict in Israel and Related Global Antisemitism
Date June 2, 2021 1:46 PM
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May 2021


ADL Responds to Conflict in Israel and Related Global Antisemitism


Throughout the 11 days of conflict between Israel and Hamas, ADL staff mobilized to respond to the conflict, and the global antisemitism that ensued.

ADL issued several statements expressing
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support for Israel&rsquo;s right to defend itself against Hamas rocket attacks, and
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mourning the innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives lost.

ADL also
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condemned the violent episodes of attempted lynching, rioting and looting that took place within a number of &ldquo;mixed&rdquo; Israeli Arab and Israeli Jewish cities, and
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commended Israeli President Rivlin&rsquo;s leadership on the issue.

ADL also
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tracked and reacted to antisemitism around the world
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and in the US related to the conflict.

We published a series of conflict related blogs and op-eds, including:

Carole Nuriel, ADL Israel&rsquo;s Director, on how the conflict
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impacted her personally
Kenneth Jacobson, Deputy National Director, on the immorality of the
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world&rsquo;s silence on Hamas and Hezbollah
Blog highlighting
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solidarity exhibited between Arabs and Jews in Israel in response to the violence in mixed Jewish and Arab cities.
Blog on
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prominent voices using the conflict to demonize Israel

In addition, the International Affairs Committee held two special briefings on the conflict. The first, with
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Israeli journalist Barak Ravid, provided an overview of the events which led up to the conflict, as well as the violence that occurred between Israeli Jews and Arabs in mixed Israeli cities.

The second, with
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Ambassador Dennis Ross of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, examined how the conflict played out both in the region and in diplomatic channels, and suggestions for bridge-building approaches Israel and the Palestinians could take following the ceasefire. Both briefings also featured updates and analysis for International Affairs staff about the impact of the conflict on Jewish communities around the world.

ADL also published several blogs about the rise in global antisemitism related to the conflict, including:

Personal accounts of antisemitism experienced by
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young European Jews related to the conflict

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Antisemitic cartoons for Middle Eastern publications related to the conflict
David Weinberg, Washington Director for International Affairs, on official
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incendiary sermons in Saudi Arabia related to the conflict at the two holiest sites in Islam



Israel & Broader Middle East



As part of this year&rsquo;s Virtual National Leadership Summit, ADL
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presented Israeli President Reuven Rivlin with the ADL Distinguished Leadership Award, which recognizes world leaders committed to achieving peace and democracy on the global stage. Prior recipients have included U.S. Ambassador Madeleine Albright, French President Jacques Chirac, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and President Rivlin&rsquo;s predecessor, Israeli President Shimon Peres.

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mourned 19-year-old Israeli student Yehuda Guetta, who died of injuries he sustained in a drive-by shooting terrorist attack in the West Bank.

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condemned Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Aryeh King, a far-right Kahanist extremist, who said he wished a Palestinian activist had been shot in the head.

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welcomed the Biden Administration's decision to reopen the US Consulate in Jerusalem which provides services to Palestinians.



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celebrated the anniversary of Operation Solomon when Israel rescued 15,000 Ethiopian Jews escaping political turmoil.



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condemned Turkish President Erdogan's antisemitic claim that Israeli Jews "only are satisfied by sucking [Palestinian] blood,&rdquo; and thanked the US State Department for its public condemnation.

Austria&rsquo;s decision to ban Hezbollah in its entirety was
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expressed appreciation for the German government&rsquo;s decision to ban the Islamist group Ansaar International, which had funneled money to Hamas.

The Dutch Parliament's vote to protect Brit Milah &mdash; Jewish ritual circumcision &mdash; was
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ADL spoke to Germany&rsquo;s Antisemitism Commissioner Dr. Felix Klein, and stressed concern for the emerging additional security needs for Jewish communities in light of the Israel crisis.

ADL delivered two Managing Implicit Bias trainings to 45 people in Berlin in partnership with the Berlin Political Education Department.


Latin America

ADL conducted consultations with Jewish communities in Latin America, including Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Mexico and Costa Rica, to gauge the impact of the anti-Israel marches in the wake of anti-Israel demonstrations in various cities, and to document incidents of vandalism, harassment and assault.

ADL increased efforts to publish Spanish language material to reach audiences in Latin America, Spain and the US, including using a Spanish language
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Twitter handle as well as a newly created
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Facebook account.

ADL spokespeople conducted Spanish-language
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interviews related to the rise in antisemitism
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on TV, in
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print and on the radio with
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media outlets in the US, Latin America and Spain.

ADL conducted a webinar on the Pyramid of Hate for educators and experts from a network of Holocaust and Jewish Museums in Latin America.

ADL participated in a series of Spanish language webinars on the 60th Anniversary of the Eichmann Trial, hosted by the Holocaust Museum of Buenos Aires.


Global and Communal



In response to the rise in global antisemitism related to the conflict in Israel, ADL published a
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running list of antisemitic incidents around the world.

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condemned Pakistan&rsquo;s Foreign Minister for claiming on CNN that Israel has "deep pockets" and "they control media," and called on him to apologize for making antisemitic remarks.


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