Hi John,
The climate crisis is happening to us. It is happening now. And we are running out of time to prevent the catastrophe that could change life on earth as we know it. But it is still not too late, and we know what we need to do.
We, the Greens, are the only political force with both the knowledge and political power to make a real, long-lasting change. We know what to do to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees and reduce CO2 emissions by at least 65% by 2030. We have the political power to change laws and convince countries to invest in renewable energy and sustainable transport.
But to do that on a large scale, we need your support! Every donation you make helps the Greens grow, gain power and become decision-makers in your city, your region and your country. Your support helps Green politicians put effective climate-friendly laws in place to secure a good life for you and future generations.
We still have time to bring innovative, effective solutions and make sure we reach climate neutrality. Please join us in taking the future back in our hands! Mar Garcia, Secretary General European Green Party Take charge of your future.
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