
It's time to play a game that people in politics like to call "follow the money."

I'll start: your grassroots contributions to my campaign are a straight line. They go right from you to our effort to restore accountability to Kentucky's attorney general's office.

Chip in today. Because your honest dollars are critical when you think about where the other side's getting their support.

My opponent is very close with the people behind the opioid epidemic — Purdue Pharma, and the Sackler Family whose wealth founded the company. He's been a lobbyist for them, and now wants to bring their influence to Kentucky.

While everyday Kentucky families are struggling to pay bills, can you guess what they're doing? Try selling one of their ski resorts to pad their pockets — all while Purdue Pharma is trying to use bankruptcy to beg off any responsibility for the opioid epidemic.

"Purdue Pharma family profits from sale of ski resorts in regions plagued by opioid addiction"

Pretty appalling, and very telling. We know exactly what kind of people my opponent will listen to if he's elected attorney general.

Me? If you do me the honor of sending me to work for you as attorney general, that's exactly what I'll do: fight every day to hold wrongdoers accountable for their actions.

Big Pharma's no victim here, and we need an attorney general that sees that. Donate $3 and let's win this one for Kentucky families.

The election's in 28 days. It's go time.


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