We need to recruit more volunteers in Tennessee. We need more ads in West Virginia. Our volunteer coordinator in Georgia needs help to finish the job. In Texas, Virginia, New Hampshire and West Virginia citizen activists are ready to fight . . . . . . but they depend on you and me for more resources. The professional politicians have millions to crush us. But we have the people on our side, and every day we are getting closer to beating these careerists in Congress. Please make the very best gift you can today. We need 34 states to pass our term limits applications. If we do that, the states can then impose term limits on the House and Senate. And there is absolutely nothing the politicians on Capitol Hill can do to stop it. Florida, Alabama, and Missouri have passed USTL’s term limits specific applications. Eleven other states have passed term limits specific language as part of a multi-subject convention initiatives. Please donate anything you can. The ONLY thing stopping us from winning in more states is money. People need to understand that there is a real and viable way to bypass Congress and impose term limits. They need to understand their state legislatures can do this by calling for the Term Limits Convention. We just don’t have the money for thee targeted state-level ads, media events or additional rallies to tell them! Please make the very best donation you can today. Sincerely, Phil Blumel President |