Progressive Party - Let's progress

Hi John --

We have to tell you something, and we want you to say it to yourself -- maybe more than once.

The Progressive Party is going to win more ground. Progressives are going to win this election, and we're are going to have a Progressive President in the White House.

We're are going to continue the fight for health care that President Obama has fought for. We're going to help millions of students to get a good education without going into crushing debt, we're going to fight for immigration reform, and we're going to make sure that your paycheck reflects your hard work.

That all starts here, with the work this team is doing and is going to do in the next couple of months. Let's progress. If you're ready and committed to fight for Progressives to win between now and when the very last vote is cast, chip in right now.


Thank you,

Progressive Party

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