It’s day 19.
The corporation profiting from the abuse of this sweet individual doesn't want you to see what's unfolding inside this factory farm—but you deserve to know the truth.
For nearly three weeks, the waste from tens of thousands of animals has been accumulating beneath this baby bird’s feet. Ammonia chokes the air. His eyes and lungs are burning.
But that’s not even his biggest problem. In the last 24 hours, his legs have begun to collapse under the weight of his ballooning body. If he can’t stand up soon, he’ll slowly die, unable to reach food or water.
Believe it or not, he’s one of the “lucky” ones. Hundreds of baby birds who began this ordeal with him 19 days ago have already died of heart attacks or organ failure. Their fate is shared by millions who suffer in factory farms across the country.
These deaths are tragic. But to greedy chicken corporations, this is simply the cost of doing business. They’ve calculated that alleviating suffering isn’t “worth it.” How can they get away with this? One reason...
The meat industry has deliberately hidden this cruelty from the public. It’s time to change that.
At just a few weeks of age, these chickens gasp for air and struggle to breathe due to the physical strain on their unnaturally fast-growing bodies.
Despite how they’re treated, these are not unfeeling meat-production machines. They are living, breathing individuals who feel fear and pain. Their suffering has been deemed acceptable by the billion-dollar meat industry, which puts profit above all else.
No amount of profit is worth this.
The truth is, this ruthless business model has a fatal flaw: Cruel corporations know that their customers will turn away if they could see what’s happening inside factory farms. This heartless industry has thrived under this veil of secrecy.
Together we can expose their secrets and pressure more companies to end these abuses. Are you with us?
We've convinced hundreds of companies to make changes that have spared millions of animals from extreme cruelty—but millions more face a lifetime of pain and suffering. Your donation can help us reach them.
On behalf of all the animals who deserve better, thank you.

David Coman-Hidy
President |