Folks, we missed our end-of-month fundraising goal yesterday. Let me explain why that matters.

Thanks to Mitch McConnell’s shady mega-donors, National Republicans have massive resources. They’re willing to go on the offense with nasty attacks, spend boatloads of money, and spread misinformation to retake the Senate next year.

They’ve already started attacking vulnerable Democrats across the country and we cannot give them any reason to think Colorado is ripe for the taking. But the truth is — if we lose here, McConnell will be back in charge of the Senate, blocking all of our progress.

The path to defending the Democratic Senate majority runs right through Colorado. But if we keep missing fundraising goals, we just won’t have the resources to protect this seat — especially since I’m refusing all corporate PAC and federal lobbyist money.

So, I’m humbly asking: Will you add a contribution of anything you can afford to help us catch up on our fundraising? Every dollar makes a huge difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I’ll admit, I was a little disappointed to wake up this morning and learn that we missed our goal. But I know how incredible this team is, and if we dig just a little deeper we’ll catch up in no time.

Thank you,
