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May 2021 Update

Bidenomics is bankrupting our country.

You've seen it at the gas pump, those traveling over the weekend paid the highest gas prices since 2014 when Joe Biden was in the White House before.

In Biden's first week in office, he canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline and put a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands. His decisions have emboldened countries like Russia and China while leaving Americans behind.

We have to take back the House in 2022 to end this mess. Did you see the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is now targeting 10 more seats to flip? That's in addition to the list of 47 initial targets.

We only need to flip 5 seats to win in 2022.

Don't believe the media. Republicans in D.C. have never been more united than we are today. We are on the front lines pushing against the Democrats' spending spree, and we're working to win in 2022.

This is a fight for the future of our country.

Thank you for your continued support,
ICYMI: Are you concerned about border security? Check out these candidates who will support funding for border security to protect their communities in Congressional Districts along the Mexican border. When you make a $5 donation to my campaign using this link, you'll have the option to donate to my Republican colleague Rep. Tony Gonzales (TX-23) and the Republican nominee funds for TX-15, TX-28 and AZ-02.

Resist Socialism - Revive America

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ICYMI: Lloyd in the Media
CBS21: My response to Biden's Spending Plan

ABC27 Interview: “You do a massive expansion of the federal government. You incentivize reliance on the government. Rather than incentivizing getting back to work and then you create this class warfare, that talks about raising the taxes only on the rich,” Smucker said. “Only on those making over 400,000. There’s no possible way they can fund what they’re doing with just taxes on the rich, so everybody’s gonna pay for this. Everybody.”
An Update from Washington
  • VP Kamala Harris is still MIA. Over a month since, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) asked for responses from the Management and Budget (OMB) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding Biden's unlawful suspension of border wall construction. Crickets.
  • In a joint letter with Ways and Means Committee Republican colleagues, I urged United States Trade Rep. Katherine Tai to complete an Environmental Goods Agreement to eliminate tariffs on U.S. clean energy exports to create U.S. jobs and reduce global emissions.
  • This month, I introduced a bipartisan bill to support survivors of domestic abuse by allowing them to access funds in their 401(k)-retirement plan without facing a penalty. Retirement plans are often the only individually held assets for victims. Current regulations allow for individuals to access the funds for emergency situations but excludes domestic violence. Allowing victims to access these dollars without penalty would help them leave an abusive living situation.
Great to be with patriots from across the Commonwealth this month at Freedom Fest.
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Hard working, middle class families will pay the price for Biden's budget busting spending spree. He's not building back better. He's building back broke.
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