6 easy ways to help fight the climate crisis.
'Are you a climate champion' in a text box, with an image of crops growing in the background.
Dear Friend, 
Are you concerned about the climate crisis? Don't worry, all of us at Send a Cow are too. However, there is no need to despair yet, as there is plenty that we can do to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Read on to find out our top tips for becoming a climate champion
How many times have you thought, I'm only one person, I won't make a difference? Well the truth is that if every individual who thought this made a change in their life, then they wouldn't just be one person, they would be part of a much wider community of people. 
If everyone carried out the steps below, it would have a significant impact on reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. 
Graphic of yellow and red shopping bags.
Shop less & shop sustainably
It is easy to get drawn into the spell of mass-consumption, with constant adverts and the pressure from society to have the 'latest' of any given item. However, if we only shop when we need it and choose to avoid fast fashion brands, we can reduce the vast quantities of clothing that are burned or buried in landfill.  
Recycling logo
Reduce, reuse, recycle 
A well-known phrase but still a great tip. Our first priority should be to reduce waste, then reuse what is left and recycle after that. Inevitably, we will need to buy some items but we should always look for sustainable options. Try to find recyclable packaging or think of creative ways to reuse old clothing, for example. 
Graphic image of a coffee cup
Make sustainable daily habits 
Think of things that you do every day, like brushing your teeth, eating or having coffee. Then think of ways to make these habits more sustainable, such as turning off the tap when brushing your teeth to save water or buying organic coffee. Changing these daily habits can have a significant impact over time. 
Graphic of a red bicycle
Choose greener transport
We all know that transport is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of driving everywhere, why not walk or cycle, and enjoy the added health benefits too. If this isn't possible, public transport and car-share schemes can offer a more environmentally friendly alternative. 
Lightbulb graphic image
Sustainable home energy
Small changes to your home energy use can reduce your carbon footprint. By turning down the heating and turning off lights and appliances when they aren't needed, you can reduce your energy use. As an added bonus, this also reduces the cost of your bills. To go even further, you could switch to a renewable energy supplier
Conversation speech bubbles in white and blue.
Start the conversation 
Starting conversations with people you know is a great way to spread awareness about the climate crisis. This could be in person, through messages or on social media. This doesn't have to be confrontational or argumentative, you could simply share educational news articles or tell a friend about your new favourite  Fairtrade coffee. 
Let us know if you try any of our tips and feel free to pass them on to friends and family. Together we can make a difference and all become climate champions.
J. Michael Coburn
Executive Director of US Development
Send a Cow US
PO Box 40730
1210 S Glebe Rd
Arlington, VA 22204

[email protected]
Send a Cow US is a registered 501c3 charity in the United States

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