Hi John,

My name is Arthur.

Well, Arthur's not actually my name, but it's what lots of people have called me ever since I met Nick Lowles 27 years ago and I infiltrated the BNP. 

I asked Nick if I could send an email to thank everyone for their kind words and support around the release of this new Netflix film and the new book. I've been a bit knocked for six to be honest. I didn't go inside the BNP for thanks, I did it because I am an antifascist, but the nice things people have said do mean a lot to me, and I wanted to say thank you.

I was inside the BNP for ten years in the end. I didn't count at the time, but Nick did and it turns out I did over 400 meetings, leafleting sessions and so on. In many ways, it was very hard to do. Hearing the most appalling and outrageous things said, I had to really try to not let it turn my stomach. I had a job to do after all.

And we did a real job on the BNP. Together with Nick and others in the movement, we did our best to wreak havoc inside the BNP. We upset some very, very unpleasant people, and that's why I am still going by Arthur. I am not too proud to say I am a bit scared of what some of them would do if they tracked me down.

Every single bit of it was worthwhile. We made their lives harder, and that stopped them hurting more people. I wish I'd seen the CCTV image sooner and stopped Copeland before the third bomb. I still think about that all the time. But we did what we could. I am proud of what I did, but none of it makes me a hero. There are so many people in so many walks of life doing amazing things that I couldn't do. So many people are heroes, every day. That gives me a lot of hope.

I am proud to support HOPE not hate because my antifascism didn't stop when I left the BNP behind. That work has to carry on today. I'm a member, and I'd love for you to become a member too if you can.

Well, I shouldn't go on - I really just wanted to say thank you again. I didn't want any publicity back then - quite the opposite! But the kind words people have sent in mean a lot to me and I am very grateful.

All the best,




HOPE not hate provides the antidote of hope to the politics of hate. Our work tackles the far right wherever they operate, exposing and disrupting them. And we tackle the root causes of hate, building community resilience whenever they seek to divide us.

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