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This May issue of the newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence resources
related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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Irish-related publications
College students’ perspectives on an alcohol prevention programme and student drinking – A focus
group study.
Calnan S & Davoren MP (2021) Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Early online.
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Patterns of new psychoactive substance use among opioid-dependent patients attending for opioid
substitution treatment.
McCarron, Peter et al (2021) Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Early online.
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Preventing harmful alcohol use - Ireland.
OECD (2021) Paris: OECD Publishing.
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Doctor-patient interactions that exclude patients experiencing homelessness from health services: an
ethnographic exploration.
O'Carroll, Austin & Wainwright, David (2021) BJGP Open.
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Risk and protective factors in adolescent behaviour: The role of family, school and neighbourhood
characteristics in (mis)behaviour among young people.
Smyth E & Darmody M (2021) Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute.
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Country-level meritocratic beliefs moderate the social gradient in adolescent mental health: a
multilevel study in 30 European countries.
Weinberg D et al (2021) The Journal of Adolescent Health, 68, (3), pp.548-557.
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The effects of cannabis on mental health. Information sheet for health professionals.
ICGP (2020) Dublin: Irish College of Psychiatrists.
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Cannabidiol (CBD) and CBD products.
ICGP (2021) Dublin: Irish College of Psychiatrists.
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Cannabis and your mental health.
ICGP (2021) Dublin: Irish College of Psychiatrists.
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Nothing about us without us: the current voices of the Irish methadone service users [Draft].
Healy R (2021) Service Users Rights in Action (SURIA).
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Drug education among third-level students and its relationship to subsequent illicit drug behaviours
and attitudes.
Breen A et al (2021) [Thesis] School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin.
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The Five Nations model for prison health surveillance: lessons from practice across the UK and
Republic of Ireland.
Perrett S et al (2020) Journal of Public Health, 42, (4), e561-e572.
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Common mental disorders among Irish jockeys: prevalence and risk factors.
King L et al (2021) The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 49, (2), pp. 207-213.
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The alcohol file. Why does Ireland continue to have a high level of alcohol use?
[Audio] (2021) Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Hidden harm and Covid-19: exploring the impacts and solutions.
(2021) Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Growing Up in Ireland. Key findings: special COVID-19 survey.
ESRI and Trinity College Dublin (2021) ESRI; Trinity College Dublin; Department of Children and
Youth Affairs.
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The dynamics of child poverty in Ireland: evidence from the Growing Up in Ireland survey.
Maitre, Bertrand et al (2021) Dublin: ESRI.
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Poverty, income inequality and living standards in Ireland.
Roantree, Barra et al (2021) Dublin: ESRI.
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A qualitative study of the perceptions of mental health among the Traveller community in Ireland.
Villani J & Barry MM (2021) Health Promotion International, Early online.
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Markedly poor physical functioning status of people experiencing homelessness admitted to an acute
hospital setting.
Kiernan, Sinead et al (2021) Scientific Reports, 11, 9911.
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Referral patterns for specialist child and adolescent mental health services in the Republic of
Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with 2019 and 2018.
McNicholas, Fiona et al (2021) BJPsych Open, 7, (3), e91.
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A study of Tusla - Child and Family Agency’s actions and decision-making process following An Garda
Síochána’s application of Section 12 of the Child Care Act 1991.
Devaney C et al (2020) Galway: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of
Ireland Galway
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Media reporting guidelines - HIV.
(2021) Dublin: HIV Ireland.
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[Webpage] Mental health educate.
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (2021)
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Healthy Ireland strategic action plan 2021-2025.
Department of Health (2021) Dublin: Government of Ireland.
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National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026: implementation report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Health.
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BelongTo youth services annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: BeLong to Youth Project.
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Revenue Commissioners annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Revenue Commissioners.
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Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Peter McVerry Trust
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International publications
Drug-related deaths and mortality in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network. Technical
EMCDDA (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Comparison of treatments for cocaine use disorder among adults: a systematic review and
Bentzley, Brandon S et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (5), e218049.
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Comparison of methods for alcohol and drug screening in primary care clinics.
McNeely J et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (5), e2110721
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The association between familial death in childhood or adolescence and subsequent substance use
disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Syer S et al (2021) Addictive Behaviors, 120, 106936
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"I can't live like that": the experience of caregiver stress of caring for a relative with substance
use disorder.
Maina G et al (2021) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16, (1), p. 11
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Guidelines for partnering with people with lived and living experience of substance use and their
families and friends.
(2021) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
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Toolkit for practitioners supporting families affected by someone else's co-occurring mental
ill-health and substance misuse conditions (dual diagnosis).
(2021) London: Adfam.
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Overcoming stigma: online learning.
(2021) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
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Stigmatization of people with alcohol use disorders: an updated systematic review of population
Kilian C et al (2021) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online
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“Nothing to mourn, He was just a drug addict” - stigma towards people bereaved by drug-related
Dyregrov K & Bruland Selseng L (2021) Addiction Research & Theory.
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Parents with alcohol and drug problems: guidance for adult treatment and children and family
Public Health England (2021) London: Gov.UK
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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. FASD factsheets
Adoption UK in Scotland (2021) Banbury: Adoption UK
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Outcomes of excessive alcohol drinkers without baseline evidence of chronic liver disease after 15
years follow-up: Heavy burden of cancer and liver disease mortality.
Bernardo S et al (2021) PLoS ONE, 16, (5), e0252218.
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5 facts about alcohol and cancer.
(2021) Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
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Exploring the effect of alcohol on disease activity and outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis through
systematic review and meta-analysis.
Turk J et al (2021) Scientific Reports, 11, (1), 10474.
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Alcohol marketing versus public health: David and Goliath?
Madden, Mary & McCambridge, Jim (2021) Globalization and Health, 17, (1), p.45.
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Preventing harmful alcohol use.
OECD (2021) OECD Health Policy Studies Paris: OECD Publishing.
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No safe level of alcohol consumption for brain health: observational cohort study of 25,378 UK
Biobank participants.
Topiwala A et al (2021) medRXiv, Early online. (Submitted)
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Impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland and Wales: controlled interrupted
time series analyses.
Anderson, Peter et al (2021) The Lancet Public Health, Early online.
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What are the economic costs to society attributable to alcohol use? A systematic review and
modelling study.
Manthey J et al (2021) PharmacoEconomics, Early online.
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Causal mechanisms proposed for the alcohol harm paradox-a systematic review.
Boyd, Jennifer et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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Accommodation-based interventions for individuals experiencing, or at risk of experiencing,
Keenan C et al (2021) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17, (2), e1165.
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Efficacy of phytocannabinoids in epilepsy treatment: novel approaches and recent advances.
Farrelly AM et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (8),
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Self-blinding citizen science to explore psychedelic microdosing.
Szigeti et al (2021) eLife, 10, e62878
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Trends and characteristics of manufactured cannabis product and cannabis plant product exposures
reported to US poison control centers, 2017-2019.
. Dilley JA et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (5), e2110925.
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Cannabis legalisation: a global change.
Transform Drug Policy Foundation (2021) Transform Blog.
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An initial analysis of the UK Medical Cannabis Registry: outcomes analysis of first 129 patients.
Erridge S et al (2021) Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, Early online.
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A mini-review of relationships between cannabis use and neural foundations of reward processing,
inhibitory control and working memory.
Morie, KP & Potenza MN (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 657371.
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Prevalence of medical cannabis use and associated health conditions documented in electronic health
records among primary care patients in Washington State.
Matson, Theresa E et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (5), e219375.
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Illegal drugs in the UK: Is it time for considered legalisation to improve public health?
Dalgarno P et al (2021) Drug Science, Policy and Law, Early online.
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Is Europe facing an opioid epidemic: what does European monitoring data tell us?
Thomas et al (2021) European Journal of Pain, 25, (5), pp.1072-1080.
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Reducing drug-use harms among higher education students: MyUSE contextual-behaviour change digital
intervention development using the Behaviour Change Wheel.
Vasilisou VS et al (2021) Harm Reduction Journal, 18, (1).
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Association of opioid consumption profiles after hospitalization with risk of adverse health care
Kurteva S et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (5), e218782.
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Recommended scope for NPS testing in the United States. Based on trends observed in Q1 2021.
Krotulski A et al (2021) Arizona: Society of Forensic Toxicologists.
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Perspectives on drugs. Wastewater analysis and drugs — a European multi-city study.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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Desistance from criminalisation: police culture and new directions in drugs policing.
Bacon M (2021) Policing and Society.
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The epidemiology of mescaline use: Pattern of use, motivations for consumption, and perceived
consequences, benefits, and acute and enduring subjective effects.
Uthaug M et al (2021) Journal of Psychopharmacology, Early online, 2698811211013583.
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Self-detoxification, embodiment and masculinity: a qualitative analysis of dependent heroin users’
experiences of coming off drugs in prison.
Walmsley, Ian (2021) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy.
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Is disinvestment from alcohol and drug treatment services associated with treatment access,
completions and related harm? An analysis of English expenditure and outcomes data.
Roscoe S et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.
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Parents with alcohol and drug problems: using case studies to estimate the cost-benefit of
Public Health England (2021) London: Gov.UK.
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Priority given to technology in government-based mental health and addictions vision and strategy
documents: systematic policy review.
Lal S et al (2021) Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, (5), e25547.
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Drug fatalities and treatment fatalism: complicating the ageing cohort theory.
Dennis, Fay (2021) Sociology of Health & Illness, Early online.
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Review of the medically supervised injecting room
(2020) Melbourne: Department of Health and Human Services.
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Exploring drug supply, associated violence and exploitation of vulnerable groups in Denmark.
Technical report.
Friis Søgaard, Thomas et al (2021) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Reduction in the population prevalence of hepatitis C virus viraemia among people who inject drugs
associated with scale-up of direct-acting anti-viral therapy in community drug services: real-world
Palmateer, Norah E et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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World health statistics 2021: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals.
WHO (2021) Geneva: World Health Organization
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Report from the Commission - Directive 2014/40/EU concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale
of tobacco and rel
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of the Regions (2021) Brussels: European Commission.
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Mixed-methods economic evaluation of the implementation of tobacco treatment programs in National
Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers.
Salloum, Ramzi G et al (2021) Implementation Science Communications, 2, (1), p.41.
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Smoking and health 2021: a coming of age for tobacco control.
(2021) London: Royal College of Physicians.
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Promoting convergence and closing gaps: a blueprint for the revision of the European Union Tobacco
Tax Directive.
López-Nicolás Á and Branston JR (2021) Tobacco Control, Early online.
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Reward-related decision-making deficits in internet gaming disorder: a systematic review and
Yao, Yuan-Wei et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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Fears mount that forensic lab backlog could derail drugs prosecutions.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (31 May 2021)
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Special report: Benzodiazepines are ‘little ticking time bombs’ on the streets of Cork.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (24 May 2021)
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A conviction for €4 worth of cannabis 'just defies logic', say campaigners.
[thejournal.ie] (23 May 2021)
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Almost 300 calls to the National Poisons Information Centre of Ireland last year about children
consuming hand sanitiser.
[newstalk.com] Murphy, Eoghan (21 May 2021)
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Almost 40% favour legalising cannabis for recreational use, over 90% in favour of medicinal use.
[thejournal.ie] Duffy, Ronan (17 May 2021)
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Free counselling set up for Eastern Europeans struggling with addiction.
[Irish Times] Pollak, Sorcha (14 May 2021)
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Call to alert young people to dangers of ‘spice’.
[Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland] (13 May 2021)
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Minister Humphreys welcomes significant Garda drug seizures in year to date.
[Department of Justice] (13 May 2021)
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North Tipperary group working hard to tackle rural drug addiction.
[Irish Times] Raleigh, David (10 May 2021)
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The burning issue: Should cannabis be legalised?
[Irish Examiner] Kenny, Gino and Smyth, Bobby P (08 May 2021)
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Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy welcomes commencement of the
COVID-19 vaccination programme for medically vulnerable people in homeless services.
[Department of Health] (07 May 2021)
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Drug crime in Republic last year surged to levels not seen since the Celtic Tiger.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (07 May 2021)
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Minister of Health, Minister of State and Tánaiste mark decision to introduce Minimum Unit Pricing
of Alcohol.
[Department of Health] (05 May 2021)
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Alcohol Action welcomes government decision to commence minimum pricing for alcohol products.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (04 May 2021)
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Minimum Alcohol Pricing: What does it mean for me?
[Irish Examiner] McGlynn, Michelle (04 May 2021)
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Higher-potency cannabis poses 'gravest threat' to young people's mental health.
[Irish Examiner] Fagan, Maresa (04 May 2021)
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Anti-smuggling agency to seize more drugs than 2020 long before the end of 2021.
[Independent.ie] Williams, Paul (03 May 2021)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Dáil Éireann debate. Questions on promised legislation [Citizen's assembly]. [
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] (26 May 2021)
Dail Eireann debate. Leaders’ questions [Alcohol pricing]. [
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] (12 May 2021)
Joint Sub-Committee on Mental Health debate. Youth mental health: discussion. [
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] (06 May 2021)
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