John --
A letter to Greenpeace worth reading!!
Subject: Fwd: A letter to Greenpeace worth
Dear Greenpeace personnel,
I am a very concerned 41-year old Canadian family man (yes,
male, I can still distinguish), born in a small village in
Saskatchewan and currently residing in Medicine Hat, Alberta. I would
love to assist your organization in making the world a better place. I
recently read a quote from Mr. Stewart that ‘oil in Alberta is
unnecessary’ and something about ‘only clean energy’ (of course I am
mildly paraphrasing but it was the gist of the CTV article). Now, I
can tell you that I was angered by these comments. So, as Greenpeace
has all the answers, I thought who better to contact other than the
fine individuals of your organization.
Now, Issue # 1 is transportation: As almost everyone in
Canada is not living in the GTA, what is the cleanest form of
transportation that you could recommend for my family (which includes
my wife, 2 teenage daughters, and the family dog)? Public
transportation across the prairies (to visit family) is almost
non-existent since the closure of Greyhound and STC (Saskatchewan
Transport Company). Even when the bus lines were fully operational, 10
to 14-hour bus trips to get from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ were way too
long and fares for the family were too expensive. I should also
mention a normal drive time for a personal vehicle is approximately 6
hours. So, with public transportation out of the question, I need to
own a vehicle. Please recommend a vehicle on the market that has no
oil products in it. Maybe, if I can get personal on some level, what
kinds of vehicles are most commonly owned by Greenpeace
executives/employees? I only ask because as I read the news (and any
other publication that posts the comments of individuals such as Keith
Stewart), apparently Greenpeace has no use for oil and oil produced
products, as they all pollute the earth. Climate change, you know. So,
should I buy an electric car ... NO, I can’t. As a rational,
reasonable thinking Canadian, I am aware that electric cars are full
of ... NO, wait ... Almost COMPLETELY composed of, and manufactured
with/by oil-based products. I guess electric cars are out too.
Horseback? NO. Riding on horseback would get me into all kinds of
trouble with the good people over at PETA and WWF. Don’t want them
trying to shut me down. My best guess is that none of you folks over
there own a personal vehicle. Well let me know which way to go on that
Issue # 2, food: Now I’m sure that no one from the world of
Greenpeace buys that grubby food produced on and from farms across
Canada. Those farmers use an abundant amount of diesel to produce
every scrap and morsel of food that can be found in every grocery
store across this great nation. I mean seriously, how is it that all
Canadians can’t understand this simple truth. Milk, bread, meat,
vegetables, etc. have all come from a farmer, who I can promise you,
owns a tractor. Tractors burn a lot of fuel. If you were or are
unaware of this revelation, I will guarantee these facts, as I was
born and raised on a Canadian farm. ALL the food consumed from the
store has come from a farm somewhere. Then to top it off, those
grocers have everything packaged one way or another to keep food fresh
and sanitary (God knows we can’t have someone else’s germs on our
food). Again, oil issues, all that packaging (to keep the food safe)
is made with and by oil products. Honestly, it feels like I can’t win.
So, like activists, I have a garden for all our food. However; protein
(you know, meat) is a real issue. City bylaws say I’m not allowed a
pig (for pork products such as bacon and such), or a cow (steaks). I
can have five chickens. I guess those teenage girls I mentioned
earlier are going on a diet. I am very concerned for the well-being of
people living in apartments (where gardens are impossible). By the
way, where do you get all your food from?
Issue # 3, heating: This is a touchy subject. How would a man
as intelligent as Keith Stewart and other lead activists heat their
homes? Now I am somewhat intelligent as I only have a Grade 12
education from a small prairie high school (not big city educated),
but I can’t figure this one out for two reasons. Natural gas ... I
don’t think so! Pollution! That clean burning gas from the ground is
still produced by Big Oil (we hate those guys). I was going to switch
to coal but, carbon tax (pollution, again). Wood burning is not the
way to heat our homes, it’s soon going to be illegal to cut down trees
(emissions, again). Solar energy, well, that doesn’t stand a chance in
Canada. Geothermal would almost be the way to go if it didn’t require
drilling and glycol-based fluids. I don’t need to tell you folks the
ecological effects that a glycol spill has on the environment and
animals. Wind turbines would be almost effective if they weren’t so
expensive to set up and not to mention the amount of poor birds that
would die as a result. PETA, again, would not be pleased. So, please
help, I currently have no way to heat my home that isn’t a pollution
Issue # 4, electronics: As we all hate Big Oil, we must
destroy all electronic devices. No computers, phones, tablets, etc. If
it has a computer chip, a plastic-coated wire, a power cord, I mean if
even one component of any device/machine contains oil and/or oil
by-products, it must be destroyed. Big Oil is not going to keep you
and me from our dream of a better planet. No more electronics ... I
can’t write this letter, businesses everywhere can’t operate, you
can’t get your points across. Maybe we need oil? What do you
If we (as a country) are not going to produce oil, whom/where
does Mr. Stewart want us to buy it from - as I think we have
established that it is currently a requirement in every Canadian
household including yours? The obvious answer must be the Saudi’s,
America or maybe Venezuela (all environmentally-conscious places,
right ...?). Which does leave me curious, if all our oil is imported,
does the carbon tax go up or down? Maybe imported oil is carbon free?
The Liberal government would have Canadians believe that the carbon
tax will stop global warming. You men and women are smarter than that,
right? I’d like to think that as Canadians we should support Canadian
oil as it is one of the most regulated oil producing countries on the
Is everyone at Greenpeace living in a time warp? Are you all
individuals who are living off the land, being 100 percent
self-sufficient? If you are, you wouldn’t be able to read this email.
However, we both know that you have the ability to do so, which means
Greenpeace is also on the Big Oil wagon. Please don’t be ashamed. Just
own it. Stop preaching to the masses. When your organization and
personnel are willing to walk your own talk, then I guess we’ll have
something to discuss. Are you so blinded by tofu
farting hippies that you can’t see the plain truth? Let us all be
honest, organizations such as yours and the ones like it are not
willing to make the hard sacrifices to accomplish any real change.
Like almost every lobbyist group, you’d prefer to bitch and whine
about everything until the donations stop coming in and then move on
until the next money-making issue swings around. Granted; Greenpeace
started with admirable beginnings, but like all good ideas, it always
ends up about the money. Or am I way off base?
I do expect a response, for if I don’t get one ... you’re
going to find this letter on every news feed and publication that will
print it. I will send it to Ottawa (not a threat with the current
‘leadership’, but the Conservatives might listen). I’ll post it on
every social media outlet I can sign up for and people will read it. I
know that the loudest voice is the one the public hears the best. By
now you must understand that you can’t be the only voice for people to
listen to.
Leon W.
As you may have guessed, there has been no response from
Greenpeace, so, here we go.
If you agree with my thoughts, please feel free to discuss,
forward, share, post, etc. We can no longer sit back and let others be
the only voice that the public, activists, government, etc. are
listening to you. I think that with our oil built electronics, we must
circulate this letter. Let's get people talking. Thanks for your
This letter leaves us with a lot of food for thought.
The People's Party of Canada understands the effect of oil
reduction on our economy and our lives.

Edmonton Millwoods - PPC Association