
Memorial Day is more than the unofficial start of summer. It is a day when we pause and pay respect to those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and security.

As a Marine, I have had the sad duty of advising the next of kin of comrades lost in the heat of battle and by disease or accident. It is always very difficult, incredibly sad, and never easy.

This Memorial Day, it is important to remember all those we have lost, and to remember the opportunities that we are afforded due to their sacrifice. America is unlike any country on earth. It is a truly unique place where, no matter who you are or where you come from, you can make your dreams come true. My commitment to you, on this Memorial Day, is to work to make this promise real for every American.

I hope you will join me on this Memorial Day in remembering the ultimate sacrifice of Americans who have fallen in the service of this great nation.

-- Stewart




Stewart Navarre for Congress
PO Box 150
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
United States