alliance4action Newsletter
June, 2021
Greetings to all our a4a activists!
Politically, 2021 has been quite a year thus far, and we are not even halfway through! We have seen a new administration take over (thankfully), positive legislation proposed and passed, new executive orders overturning some of the cruelty of the previous administration, all providing us with a measured hope for our future. I say measured because the current political climate also contains an opposition party, tethered to an unhinged personality, and mired in lies, conspiracy theories, and living in an alternate reality. This is a party working extremely hard to promote voter suppression, pass restrictive abortion laws, and in general oppose all legislation that would provide for a just and equitable society.
We can and must remain steadfast in our activism! Please be assured that each of you make a difference! No matter what the action is--whether it be signing a petition, registering voters, being on an a4a action team, calling a member of Congress, writing a letter to the editor, engaging in conversation with those who think differently, donating money, learning about issues, meeting candidates and well, you get the idea, the list of actions is endless! No matter how big or small each action is important!
As activists we need to be attentive to caring for ourselves as well. If we are burned out, then the smallest of actions can seem overwhelming. To that end, recognizing that breaks provide an opportunity for rest and refreshment, a4a will be taking a summer hiatus. We will resume our newsletter and monthly meetings in September. Please be sure to go to our website,, to check out the summer schedule for our action teams, and of course to consider joining a4a if you are not already a member.
We are excited to announce that we will be kicking off our fall programs with Katie Hobbs as our speaker. So be sure to reserve September 19th at 2 pm on your calendars. Have a great summer everyone, get some rest and come back ready for vital and needed activism!
Arlynne Ostlund
Chair, alliance4action
Save the date:
Sunday, September 19th, 2 p.m.
Featured Speaker:
Katie Hobbs
Arizona Secretary of State
a4a Support for Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has been sorely challenged by all that has been happening in AZ with the “fraudit” (her term) that is occurring in Maricopa County. She has had death threats and has needed special security assigned. And now, the AZ State Legislature is proposing to strip her office of its power to make decisions concerning the legal defense of Arizona election laws.
Our a4a leadership team voted to show support for Secretary Hobbs and affirm the excellent way she has been meeting those challenges. We want her to know she is not alone, and that we are there cheering her on!
A4a by-laws require a general membership vote before any monies are sent to candidates. To that end, we asked for a vote of affirmation by our membership to send a $100 donation to her campaign and a note of encouragement on behalf of a4a to her.
We thank all of you who replied affirmatively. The vote was a unanimous YES!
alliance4action Treasurer’s Report
May 24, 2021
Balance as of April 26, 2021 $4604.85
Income 133.84
Expenses 0.00
Balance as of May 24, 2021 $4,738.69
Maggie Sievers, Treasurer
a4a Action Groups
Programs of interest this summer
1. The AZ Democratic Party Environmental Council
Sunday, June 20 from 3 – 4pm –Virtual Event
Speaker -Connie Williams
Link to Register
Summary of program
After years of drought and higher temperatures due to climate change, Arizona is facing serious water challenges including the first-ever shortage declaration of the Colorado River which is expected next year. But, that is just part of the story. We'll go beyond the recent headlines; it's even worse than you think.
Former teacher, Santa Cruz County Democrat, and Environmental Council member Connie Williams will be the guest speaker for the June meeting to discuss water issues and challenges for Arizona.
2. Two valuable webinar series offered by the University of Arizona.
Water, its history and future – U of A College of Science 16th Annual Lecture Series. This five-part series lays "the foundations for understanding the water all around us, from the ocean to the groundwater beneath the surface." Available now on YouTube or can be accessed here:
Water Solutions for a Warming World - Arizona Institutes for Resilience, the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, and the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Arizona: As drought grips the West and threatens our water supply, this public webinar series, addresses policy issues and concerns. A series of six webinars. Register for upcoming webinars and watch previous episodes here:
3. Climate Conversations - for OLLI members via Zoom this July and August. Now open for registration. Tuesdays: 6 Sessions 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Start: Tue 7/20/21 End: Tue 8/24/21 (
Course Description
How do we get our minds around the massive shift we need to make for an effective response to climate change? Yale University's national polling reveals that 73% of Americans accept that global warming is happening, but that 65% of us rarely or never talk about it. We need that conversation! Each class will consist of a background lesson on a climate-specific topic or moral conundrum followed by small group discussion and then larger group sharing of insights sparked by the topic and developed through conversation. We'll bring in science, current events, psychology, ethics and values.
Instructors: Connie Williams, Connie Aglione
4. “Our Climate Action Now"– A Pima County Dems Fundraiser for the next Election Cycle is coming up July 17th at 5pm. It will feature Nobel researcher & climatologist Dr. Michael Mann. His important new book: "The New Climate War" is out now. Click for tickets:
To receive notices of upcoming a4a Climate Group actions and events send a message to [email protected] with "Add to email list" on the subject line.
At our May Education meeting, speaker Roxana Rico, Superintendent of Continental School, asked for reading, math, and science volunteers to help with struggling students in the fall. Let Sharon Rezac Andersen know if you have time to volunteer beginning in September ([email protected]).
A full time school psychologist for K-8th grade is also needed. Ms, Rico can be reached at 520-625-4581.
The Arizona Legislature is still in session as of this writing, with many bills under consideration that will be detrimental to education. Among the worst is a tax cut which would offset the anticipated new revenue from the passage of Proposition 208. Stay informed by subscribing to the Arizona Legislative Alert ([email protected]) or to the AZ Legislature Weekly Update sponsored by Civic Engagement Beyond Voting (
The Education Action Group is taking a break from meeting during the summer, but we'll still be sending out relevant articles and action alerts. To be added to our email list, contact Henne Queisser ([email protected]).
Health Care
The Health Care Action Group met on 05/19/21 with eight present. We reviewed our ongoing priorities and discussed newly emerging ones.
- Arizona Legislature: We disapprove strongly of the anti-abortion bill SB 1457 and the voter suppression bill SB 1485.
- Drug Pricing Reform: At the federal level, we are tracking what “bipartisan” efforts are still in play; we want Medicare to negotiate prices with Big Pharma along with other necessary reforms; Big Pharma is up in arms.
- Status of the ACA: An important SCOTUS decision is pending any day; the ACA could be gutted; small odds of this happening yet we have been surprised in the past.
- Systemic Racism and Fossilized Practices in US Health Care: The pandemic illuminated what was already there; even the AMA is reacting.
We will continue to review the Indivisible Guide 2.0 as a primer for action steps. The group will take a summer break until September though we will continue to share articles and resources. We will consider in-person meeting at that time. Contact Laurie Jurs at [email protected] for more information. Please join us!
"Border Walls, Waivers, Status and Costs" map is a still-in-progress interactive tool that was created by the Sierra Club Borderlands to empower borderland communities. Click on "View Dashboard" to navigate the map found here.
John Kruc Video clips of the Borderlands, Wall, Construction, and Destruction. Watch here.
Watch Border Community Alliance presentation "Education, Migration, and Future Prospects for Maya Ixil Youth in Guatemala" with speaker Catriona Spaven-Donn here.
CALL TO ACTION - The US will withdraw our troops from Afghanistan as of September, 2021. The Department of Defense estimates there are more than 7,000 Afghanis who have served as interpreters and drivers for US government and military - and are in significant danger if they remain in Afghanistan. These Afghanis could be eligible to be evacuated with our troops but it may require a Congressional edict. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SENATORS and CONGRESSPERSON to request that these Afghanis and their families are given Special Immigrant Visas to resettle safely in the US.
If you'd like to learn more about immigration and the a4a Immigration Action Group, please contact Gail Frank ([email protected]).
Racial Justice
The a4a Racial Justice Action Group continues to meet twice a month. Research is being conducted to determine how the group can support existing and local organizations led by people of color. The most recent organization being researched is the Tucson Second Chance Community Bail Fund.
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The Tucson Second Chance Community Bail Fund (TSCCBF) was established through a Black Lives Matter Tucson (BLM Tucson) “Mama’s Day Bailout” campaign in May of 2017. |
If you are interested in joining the Racial Justice Action Group, email Sydney Chayes at [email protected]