
Today, on Memorial Day, we honor the women and men who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They gave their lives serving our country, defending our nation, and securing our freedom.

Whether it is prayer or meditation, whether it is immersing yourself in history, whether it is joining a virtual gathering, or gathering together safely, today we all should honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

The best way we honor them is not just with words, but a commitment to our country and the ideals of our nation.

We must continue to work and commit ourselves to making those ideals of liberty and opportunity real for every American. That is the best way not to pay back their sacrifices, but to pay it forward.

Patriotism is love of country. Love is not sentimentality. Love is service. Love is sacrifice. You cannot love your country unless you love your fellow country men and women. Those who gave their lives for this nation gave the ultimate act of love. May we prove worthy of that in our continued service to this great nation.

Thank you all. Happy Memorial Day.

— Cory