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Monday, May 31st, 2021

What Memorial Day Means to a Physician Who Took Care of Dead Soldiers in a Combat Zone

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA

You Won’t Believe How Bankrupt the US Is Till You See This

Bill Sardi with Matthew Sardi

Privacy and Psychopaths

Gabriel Custodiet

I’m a Doctor, But Covid’s Broken My Faith in Medical Research

I can’t believe anything I read or accept any mainstream facts. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

Loads of People, Loads of Photos – The Demo They Want You To Think Never Took Place

John Goss

Backyard Independence

Eric Peters

Number of Covid Cases in Delhi Crashes After Mass Distribution of Ivermectin

Thomas Lifson

Woke in the City That Never Sleeps

Taki Theodoracopulos

Free College Doesn’t Go Far Enough for the Left

Anders Koskinen

Increasingly Chaotic Volatility Ahead—The New Normal Few Think Possible

Charles Hugh Smith

Israel Narrative Management Is Getting Incredibly Desperate and Brazen

Caitlin Johnstone

The Many Ways in Which Covid Vaccines May Harm Your Health

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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