
A lot has happened in this race over the last month, so I wanted to take a moment to update you on the latest news and share why it is so important that we hit our end-of-month goal by midnight tomorrow.

Earlier this month, a dark money super PAC funded by pharmaceutical companies launched TV attack ads against me for my work to lower prescription drug costs. They want to replace me with a representative who will put their corporate interests before the needs of families in our district.

Then, our first Republican opponent filed his paperwork to run against me in the midterm elections. Republicans only need to flip five seats to take back the House majority, and my opponent is looking to defeat me to help them do it.

That's why we need to keep momentum and hit our $20,000 end-of-month goal before the deadline to help make sure we have the resources to protect my targeted seat and the very narrow Democratic House majority.

I don't accept a dime of corporate PAC money, so I'm counting on your support to help us reach our goal. Will you chip in right away to help keep me in Congress fighting for the issues that matter most to you? >>[email protected]

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
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