If this instance taught me anything, it’s that there’s no shame in missing what you once had in a relationship. Even if getting over someone is often the best course of action. But people change. Relationships change. If you go back hoping to find familiarity and you aren’t prepared for things to be different, you might be a little sore for a while.
The truth is, you probably have a Karen in your life—whether it’s a distant cousin you only have to see at family reunions, or it’s your next door neighbor who complains when your kids play too loud in the street. We all have to deal with them, but we can at least make sure we never turn into them ourselves.
Confession #25789073 I deleted every single Karen from my social media. It felt so good. #nomoreKarens
#25784835 "Lady screamed at me for wearing a mask at the store. Am I bothering you by trying to keep my distance and wear my mask? No. Then shut up Karen. I'd break social distance to fight a bitch like that."
#25814405 "Growing up my mom always acted like a "Karen." I was mortified as a child and refuse to go out with her as an adult."