Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

🎗️🇺🇲 May 30, 2021  🇺🇲🎗️

Memorial Day


Making the Forever War:
The Enduring Insights of Historian Marilyn Young

Tuesday, June 1
1:00 pm Eastern


What drives the forever war? First and foremost, it is a failure to learn the lessons of the past, argued the late Marilyn Young, a preeminent historian of American warmaking and its impact at home and abroad. This virtual panel examines her ideas and legacy, captured in a new collection of her essays, Making the Forever War: Marilyn Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism. Young shows how the United States has formed a domestic politics and culture that enable the country to be continually at war, without the American people paying much attention. Long before 9/11, she reveals, the conditions for endless war were laid in U.S. military actions in Korea, Vietnam, and beyond.

To discuss Young’s work, the Quincy Institute has assembled a panel of distinguished historians who knew Marilyn personally.  The discussion features QI President Andrew Bacevich; QI Non-Resident Fellow and Emory Law Professor Mary Dudziak, who co-edited Making the Forever War; and QI Nonresident Fellow and Johns Hopkins Assistant Professor Christy ThorntonStephen Wertheim, QI’s Director of Grand Strategy, will moderate.


The Hardest Place: The American Military Adrift
in Afghanistan’s Pech Valley

Thursday, June 3
1:00pm Eastern


Wesley Morgan first visited the Pech in 2010, as a college student embedded with U.S. military units as a freelance journalist. His meticulously researched book,The Hardest Place: The American Military Adrift in Afghanistan’s Pech Valley, functions as both a first-hand account of a rugged battlespace and a detailed history of the interactions between the Pech River Valley’s residents and the foreign soldiers, terrorist groups, and Taliban that passed through. The Hardest Place documents a mission that came to epitomize the dysfunction, unclear objectives, and mission creep of America’s two-decade war in Afghanistan.

Join a discussion with the author that delves into the experiences of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan. He will be joined by Dan Berschinski who served as a U.S. Army officer in Afghanistan’s Arghandab River Valley in Kandahar province. The conversation will be moderated by QI’s Adam Weinstein who served as a U.S. Marine in Afghanistan’s Uruzgan province. 

Can an Oscar-Nominated Film, a New President and the Courts Close Guantanamo?

Tuesday, June 8
12:00 pm Eastern


President Biden’s announcement to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan brings an end to one part of the two-decade-long Global War on Terror. But the 40 War on Terror detainees still held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, many of whom were tortured and face legal impediments to challenging their detainment despite never being charged with any crimes, pose an ongoing legal and political challenge for the Biden administration. 

The Quincy Institute will host a discussion on how the Biden administration can close Guantanamo and bring an end to indefinite military detentions and the War on Terror’s erosion of the rule of law. Headlining the panel is Mohamedou Ould Slahi, whose book Guantanamo Diary is the basis for the Oscar-nominated film, The Mauritanian, which details his 15-year imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay and his attorneys’ fight for his release. He will be joined by Senior Counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee Rita Siemion and ACLU National Security Project Director Hina ShamsiAziz Rana, a Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute and professor of constitutional law at Cornell University, will moderate.  


My Son was Killed In Iraq 14 Years Ago — Who’s Responsible?
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Boston Globe, 5/27/21

The Islamic Republic? George W. Bush? Both answers feel like evasions.

Israel Now Faces its Worst Nightmare
By Mark Perry, Senior Analyst
The National Interest, 5/24/21

Any future Arab-Israeli conflict will look a lot like this one: involving not only those Palestinians living under occupation, but those Israeli Arabs living in Israel itself.

U.S.-China Policy & Anti-Asian Discrimination
By Khody Akhavi, Multimedia Producer/ Featuring: Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
Quincy Institute, 5/25/21


Stephen Wertheim: 'La OTAN debería haberse disuelto cuando desapareció la Unión Soviética'
By Hernan Garces/ Interviewed: Stephen Wertheim, Director of Grand Strategy
El Diario, 5/29/21

El historiador estadounidense es autor del libro 'Tomorrow, the World: the Birth of US Global Supremacy', que señala la expansión nazi como el acicate de la idea de que EEUU tenía que liderar el mundo. Es una de las voces críticas de la política exterior de su país.

NYT Published a Press Release on Nuclear Deal for Netanyahu and Iran Hawks
By Benjamin Armbruster, Managing Editor
Responsible Statecraft, 5/26/21

The paper of record continues to offer shoddy reporting on the JCPOA.

How to Avoid a Conflict in Belarus
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 5/25/21

Intervention might be tempting, especially after a civilian plane was forced down to arrest a journalist, but grave caution is advised.


Why Everyone Hates Think Tanks By Matthew Rojansky & Jeremy Shapiro/Cited: Quincy Institute, Foreign Policy, 5/28/21

With Anti-Asian Attacks on the Rise, Democrats Need to Figure Out How to Talk About China by Dan Spinelli/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, Mother Jones, 5/28/21

WEBCAST: Iran’s Presidential Elections and its Future Foreign and Domestic Policies, Featuring: Tara Sepehri Far, Reza Sayah, & Bijan Khajehpour/Moderated by Trita Parsi, Quincy Institute, 5/26/21

How the American Deal for Syria’s Oil Died by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 5/26/21

WEBCAST: What Does a Foreign Policy for the Middle Class Look Like? Featuring Michael Lind, Rachel Bovard, Daniel McCarthy, & Kelley Beaucar Vlahos/ Introduction by George Beebe, co-hosted by the Quincy Institute & CNI, 5/25/21

After the Mideast Ceasefire: Keep Moving the Overton Window by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, Responsible Statecraft, 5/25/21

Blinken: Gaza Reconstruction Will Loosen Hamas’ Foothold by Tim O’Donnell/ Quoted: Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joseph Cirincione, The Week, 5/25/21 

The Saudi Blockade on Yemen is a War Crime, and Only Civilians Suffer From it by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Responsible Statecraft, 5/24/21
Why Biden’s ‘Summit for Democracy’ is a Bad Idea by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 5/24/21
The Quad Should Embrace Climate Action as its Core Mission by Sarang Shidore/ Cited: Quincy Institute, Inkstick Media, 5/21/21
How an Israeli Attack in Gaza Led to the Firing of an AP Reporter by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 5/21/21


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