We’re sending you a package and we have to warn you…
There’s something razor-sharp inside.
Since you were a customer with us in the past…
We’re hooking you up with a free Karambit Knife…
Which is a $39 knife with a 5-star rating.
It’s packaged and ready to send to you.
Just enter the US mailing address where you would like to receive
your free Raptor Claw Karambit Knife:
Enter US Mailing Address Here

Note: There are only 500 to giveaway so make sure you don’t
wait too long before confirming…
Yes, I accept itit! Send my free Karambit Knife!
Once all 500 knives get claimed this giveaway will end…
So if you want a Karambit Knife for free make sure
to claim one ASAP.
And please be careful when it arrives. The blade is very sharp.
Wishing you the best,
The Shipping Team