Help greenlight John Fetterman’s 67 Counties Mobilization Plan.
Our interns pulled some reports on John's 67 Counties Mobilization Plan this morning, and according to our finance records, you haven't chipped in to help greenlight this organizing project yet.
Don't worry, there's still time to be a part of what we're building. As a reminder, we must raise the final $45,232 by May 31 so we can fully fund and launch on June 1.
Will you please consider making a donation of $5 or more before tomorrow, May 31? We'd be incredibly humbled to have your support in launching our 67 Counties Mobilization Plan.
Contribute $5
There are a few key reasons why fully funding our 67 Counties Mobilization Plan by tomorrow at midnight is so critical.👇
1. First, our Mobilization Plan is the only way we can ensure voter contact in all 67 Pennsylvania counties. We’re essentially about to launch our first massive voter outreach effort across all 67 Pennsylvania counties. Simply put: We can’t do the organizing work if the project is not funded.
2. Second, we’re running out of time. We’re trying to launch our Mobilization Plan in June so that we’re not scrambling at the last minute to get organized. In order to win, we have to start growing our team over the summer.
3. Third, opponents are watching us (Democrats and Republicans). If we’re able to get this plan off the ground, it will send a clear message about the strength of our campaign heading into the primary and general elections. Our opponents don’t want us to succeed.
John, it's not too late to make your stake in this massive organizing campaign.
Can you please make a donation of any amount today to help raise the $45,232 we need by tomorrow, May 31 to fully fund and launch our 67 Counties Mobilization Plan?
Contribute $5
Thank you so much for hearing us out,
Team Fetterman HQ