Congresswoman Lesko Weekly Update

Good morning,

This week, I was back in our great state of Arizona! I met with Arizona Industries for the Blind and discussed their contributions in making critical supplies for our troops, and I have cosponsored a resolution to honor the contributions of and thank the essential employees with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. I attended a briefing with Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement in Arizona who provided me with an update on border security in light of the ongoing border crisis. They discussed the rising number of border crossings and apprehensions, including the disturbing increase in apprehended illegal immigrants who have previously committed crimes in the U.S. and are trying to reenter the country. I also attended a briefing with the Department of Homeland Security on the letter I sent requesting information on the administration releasing illegal immigrants into Arizona communities as the border crisis continues. I remain committed to doing what I can to hold the Biden Administration accountable for the national security, drug, and humanitarian crisis at our southern border.

Consumer Protection and Commerce

On Thursday, I attended the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce hearing. We voted on legislation to help victims of fraud and received a commitment from the Chairman to consider adding Republican reforms to the bill before the bill is voted on by the full committee.

Legislative Update

I am a cosponsor of Representative Andy Biggs’ resolution to recognize our $28 trillion national debt as a threat to national security and acknowledges that such deficits are unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous. This resolution calls on the House of Representatives to commit to addressing this fiscal crisis, stop the reckless spending, and work towards balancing our federal budget.

Congressional Recognitions

I was proud to present a Congressional Recognition to Allison Vahle at the Anthem Veterans Memorial for her heroic actions that saved a woman from a fire. Allison saw a local home on fire, ran inside, and brought the woman to safety. Joining me in the presentation were Youth for Troops and VFW Post 12031 Commander Chuck Hale as well as Allison’s family and friends!


Austin from our office presented the Rotary Club of Anthem with a Congressional Recognition. For over 20 years, the Anthem Rotary has given back to the community by working to combat youth homelessness and providing scholarships to local high school students. Our office is proud to recognize the Anthem Rotary Club’s continued commitment to making a positive difference.


Encouraging Story

I am very pleased to share this story about a 22-month-old constituent, Woodrow Miller, who has just received his first dose of a potentially lifesaving drug for children with Niemann-Pick Type C disease. I was proud to send a bipartisan letter with Arizona’s Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly to advocate for access to this drug for Woodrow. I am so encouraged that Woodrow is currently receiving this treatment, and I will continue to do what I can to encourage the parties involved to continue providing this lifesaving treatment to Woodrow and other children affected by this horrible disease.


Casework Highlight

A constituent filed both her 2018 and 2019 federal tax returns in March 2020. She attempted to inquire with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) several times, but she was unable to get a timeline in which the refunds would be issued. She had not received either refund as of January 2021. Our office reached out to the IRS, and we were able to get both refunds processed for the constituent.

Happy Memorial Day

I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day on Monday as we honor our courageous men and women in uniform who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great nation.


We are Here to Help

As always, my office is here to help. Both my Surprise district office and Washington, D.C. office are open to serve constituents. We are available over the phone and via email at both offices. In addition, the Surprise district office is taking appointments for in-person meetings with staff. We are not accepting walk-in meetings at this time due to the Coronavirus. For the safety of staff and constituents, we will be observing CDC guidelines, including wearing masks and social distancing. To make an appointment with the office, please call 623-776-7911. 

Please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office via phone at 202-225-4576 or via email by going to my website at

I encourage you to visit the website and to also follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page for up to date information about the ongoing outbreak and available resources. 

May God continue to bless you and our great Nation. 


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko

