Listen up, John — we have work to do. As proud leaders of Feminists to End the Filibuster, we are calling on you for support today! We are focusing our energy as a movement on ending the filibuster — more specifically on those Senators who will make or break an end to it. One of those key Senators will be Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona. Tens of thousands of you have acted — but we need to do more.
It is critical we MUST end the filibuster — not only for the ERA, but also for protecting our very democracy-starting with investigating the January 6th insurrection, for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for Dreamers, for federal legislation for voting rights, to raise the minimum wage, to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, deal with climate change, pass commonsense gun laws, reduce violence against women, and increase access to reproductive rights and justice. We must not let a single senator stand in the way of equal rights. Please join us in calling on Senator Sinema to take a stand to end the filibuster now.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema was once a clear progressive voice for equal rights, but now, she is one of the few Senators who hang in the balance of making or breaking an end to the filibuster to clear the way for equal rights. And to ensure our voices are heard, we are printing out every one of your letters submitted to this campaign for hand delivery to Sen Sinema’s offices! With an estimated 1 million more women than men having lost their jobs during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the pandemic revealing that most essential workers are women, most of them are Black and Latina, and most still have the majority of caregiving responsibilities — these along with other economic realities make constitutional rights for women more urgent than ever before. The new reality of 2021 demands that Congress approve the ERA resolution. It will mark a historic commitment to women’s rights by ensuring equality under the law for current and future generations. Please join us in demanding action now. Sí Se Puede!
PS - Please take action today by sending your messages — we will also print them out and hand deliver them directly to Senator Sinema’s offices! |
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