Dear John, On Tuesday, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) released our latest Issue Brief, “The Folly of Government-Owned Networks.” Co-authored by CAGW President Tom Schatz and Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs Deborah Collier, the report details how government-owned broadband internet networks are wasteful, anti-competitive, and costly for taxpayers. As Congress considers whether to provide up to $100 billion for broadband as part of President Biden’s $4 trillion infrastructure package, the report argues that these funds should not be limited to a single technology like fiber or a single provider like government-owned networks. More importantly, the report notes that existing funds for broadband are more than sufficient to provide internet access for underserved and unserved areas of the country, and the President’s plan is therefore unnecessary. The best way to give everyone better broadband access is for the government to enact laws and regulations that are company and technology neutral, making it easier for internet service providers to expand their reach in underserved communities. CAGW has sent the report to the media, all members of Congress and other public officials, along with our members and supporters like you across the country. You can read the report at Sincerely, Paul Sullivan Membership Director |