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The chaplain to the speaker of the House of Commons complained to parliamentary authorities about the "ongoing stench" and "unsanitary state" created by
rough sleepers in an underground entrance used to access parliament.
The US has blacklisted 28 Chinese companies and government agencies over what it called the "brutal" treatment of Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic minority
groups in Xinjiang province.
Iranian women will be able to enter a football stadium on Thursday for the first time in decades, after Fifa threatened to suspend the Islamic republic over
its controversial male-only policy.
Human rights organizations are demanding the release of a 33-year-old university lecturer who has been in solitary confinement on blasphemy charges in
Pakistan since 2014. His family discusses his case.
Avi Korman responds to a previous column on vaccinations in Jewish News, saying it distorted the facts. He adds that recognised doctors would
strongly and firmly advise people to vaccinate their children.
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